Monday, January 21, 2019

Lo Que Dice Clarita Verano/Otono 2018

Since I forgot to write a summer update I'm doing a combo summer/fall since I can't remember what she said when! Clarita continues to be a chatterbox, but has definitely gotten quieter and often spends long periods of time playing quietly or doing crafts. You can always see the wheels turning in her mind and she really seems to grasp abstract concepts unlike a lot of kids her age. Clara is definitely wise beyond her years which can be a pain sometimes because I can't get anything past her. Now that she's learning to spell, I can't even spell things anymore because she figures them out. Clara continues to be really great at convincing other kids to do what she wants. She really sells it to them like it's their idea and they will love it so much. She never suggests that she wants them to do it, instead convincing them that it's something they really want to do. I'm a little worried about what the future holds and when she will start trying to manipulate us! 

“Sometimes when you go potty you can just relax a little bit and look at your phone.” (I wonder who she sees do this?)

“Did you do it last year Dada?” (Regarding the tour of France)

Me: “Emmett who’s your girlfriend?” Emmett: “Emma!” Clara: “Aww he fell in love!”

“Emmett you have a gray penis! What happened dude? Did you put soap on it?”

“Why did the unicorn fly into space? Because it wanted to see Star Wars!”

(As she eats sausage) “What kind of animal is this? Pig? I’m stabbing my pig but it doesn’t hurt because it’s dead. It’s not real nice to kill animals.”

Me: “I don’t think we have any open pasta sauce.” Clara: “Then get some closed sauce.”

(Talking about going fishing and what she would do with the fish.) “Put them in a bucket and give them to Abuelos.” Emmett: “No put it in the fish pond.” Dada: “Or we could let them go.” Clara: “Or we could stab them and never let them go!”

“I’m going to name the ardilla (squirrel) I just saw nut crack because I saw it’s butt and ardillas like nuts!”

“It’s too big, that’s what she said.” (Referencing Goldilocks)

(Looking in the mirror after putting on sunscreen) “I thought I saw some white on my face. I don’t want people to think I’m a vampire and be scared!" (Pulls her lips down to look at her teeth) "But I don’t have pointy teeth!”

“Bailey you can’t borrow the dog but do you want to borrow Emmett?”

“These are so good. I love mandarins so much. They fill my tummy with joy.”

“I saw a mom at Home Depot today and she had as much fur on her arms as Dada!”

“Emmett told me something and I couldn’t hear what he said. That’s what happens with older people, they can’t hear as well as little ones.”

When Emmett was being especially ornery Clara said, “Emmett is a weed that is difficult to pull out!”

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