Sunday, January 20, 2019

Lo Que Dice Emmett Verano/Otono 2018

It appears that I skipped summer so I will just combine the two since I have no idea where one ended and the other began on my phone list. Emmett, who was once the quiet one, now talks up a storm! He is literally only quiet when he sleeps and at times can be quite annoying. He gets mad if Clara is talking when he wants to say something and will yell, "Stop talking, it's my turn to talk!" This is followed by covering her mouth with his hand if he can reach her. As fiesty as he is, he is still super lovey and tells us (me especially) that he loves us all the time. He is pretty good about saying sorry without prompting if he does something he thinks could hurt or upset someone. However, if someone tries to get him to say sorry, he is not so easy going. Buggle is still hard to understand and is still missing "s" (he usually says a t sound if the next letter is a vowel or just leaves off the sound if the next letter is a consonant, i.e. "cool" for school and "tat" for sat). His other sounds all seem to jumble together. Clara and Bailey seem to be best at understanding him. Emmee still says a lot of things in Spanish which makes it even more difficult to understand him since you never know what language he is speaking in! He does say some pretty funny things though, and at times he even says things trying to get us to laugh. He, of course, laughs maniacally when he says something he thinks is funny!

“I have lemon pants!” (referring to his yellow pants)

He was talking about all the stuff he wanted for his birthday and I suggested that he tell people what he wanted. His reply was, “Like the mailman?” (perhaps I order too much stuff online)

Best soccer fan!

Clara: “Emmett you’re loco!” Emmett: “I not loco, I a alien!”

He adds to his sleeping collection daily!

“Go away, have another day!” (what he tells us pretty much every time he sits down to poop)

“Un milagro!” (After Clara went potty. Apparently I say that a lot when she tells me she doesn’t need to go and then does…)

“I don’t have a lot of hands.” (his response when I ask him to carry something he doesn't want to carry)

Emmett: “I can’t walk. I not have any legs or feet.” Me: “What happened to them?” Emmett: “I throw them in the trash.”

Yogurt and sausage, what more do you need?

(Points to his belly button) “Is that a penis?” Me: “No it’s a belly button.” Emmett: “Does pee pee come out of it?"

“I want fight things." (referring to Clara’s bow and arrows) Me: “What are you going to do with them?” Emmett: “Fight things!”

Watching trains

Practicing for when he's a Dada

“I a chino (Chinese) I not a chica (girl).”

Dada: “Don’t poke your eyes out!” Emmett: “Why?” Dada: “Because then you can’t see.” Emmett: “I still have one eye!”

“Did you hear that sound? Did I go peepee in my pants?” (not sure where that came from)

“Boys do farts more than girls.”

(After pooping one poop) “He don’t have any friends anymore.” (He pooped some more) “Oh he have one friend! Now he have two friends!”

Trying to keep Mama awake

“Do you have brown eggs? Do you have chocolate eggs?” (he was convinced that brown eggs were made of chocolate and very disappointed when they looked like regular eggs inside)

Passed out watching a movie

“Dada don’t eat dulces (sweets), only ice cream.”

It's fun to stay at the Y

“He can’t have sunglasses because he only have one eye!”


“Doot doo! That's what a salad says!”


Me: “Can I have a beso (kiss)?” Emmett: “No, I don’t want to get my chapstick off.”


Out of nowhere gives Clara a hug and says, “You are nice. You are the best sister in the world!”

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