Wednesday, May 22, 2019

Clara's Sixth Birthday Festivities

As always I tried to make Clarita's birthday a super fun day about her. We hung a couple banners before she woke up and for breakfast she chose Lucky Charms that the leprechaun had brought to her classroom. She was super excited because I would never buy such sugary cereal. We never get them presents since they get so many from other people, and instead put money in their accounts. However, I always have Emmett get her a present and this year I failed and forgot to order it until the day before her birthday. Luckily Tio saved the day and showed up with a present for her that she got to open after breakfast!

Birthday twins!

I took cookies and juice that Clara picked out to her class and they sang happy birthday to her. She was so excited about celebrating her birthday at school and told Emmett how sad it was that he would never be able to do that since his birthday is in the summer.

After school I took Clara to get her nails done for the first time. She had been looking forward to this for years and was beyond excited. She loved picking out her own polish and getting a manicure. The guy doing her nails got extra excited and even painted flowers on her nails! Unfortunately I had a work emergency and spent half of the time of my phone. Clara didn't seem to mind too much.

Tia always lets the birthday person choose dinner on the family dinner night closest to their birthday. Clara chose hot dogs. Tia got an ice cream cake to celebrate Clara's and Tio's birthday, there were presents, and we enjoyed a nice night. I had to leave early for a church council meeting but I still made it home in time to tuck Clara in. I'd say she had a fabulous birthday!

The Saturday following her birthday we threw a troll party for Clara. As usual, she chose the theme and food. I tried to convince her that we should go to Legoland instead of having a party, but I knew she wouldn't go for it. Dada and I went to see the Wicked the night before which I realized too late was a terrible idea because it left me no time to get ready. I kept it pretty simple, but made troll hair headbands for all the kids. Unfortunately, it rained the day of the party so we moved to the garage. The bounce house leaked but the kids did not seem to mind getting wet. Clara invited several friends from school and none of them were able to make it so she was a little bummed. But only for a minute and then she ran off to play with her other friends. The only debacle happened when Teagan took Clara's special troll headband that I had made with every color and refused to give it back. There were a lot of tears, but it was funny and sweet to hear her friends vowing to get it back for her. All in all it was a great day celebrating our favorite gal!

After the party we headed to the cabin at Clara's request. Abuelos and los Ramirez also went and we had a fun time playing in the snow! The kids got pretty good at sledding by themselves and Clara can even put all of her snow clothes on solo now! We snow-shoed all around with Fafa and took turns sledding down hills on our stomachs! We enjoyed great food and great company and it was a perfect end to the birthday celebration.

Just walking on cabin roofs

The snow is so deep we're taller than the street signs

It's never too young to work

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