Saturday, February 8, 2020

Lo Que Dice Emmett Verano 2019

Emmett continues to say some pretty funny things and he says most of them with a very serious expression. He is definitely expressive, especially his eyes. He still can't say some sounds and is often hard to understand because he can't say "s." One day he was talking about pulling his car seat strap but saying "trap" and I was so confused until Clara translated. He still says "aminals" and calls his bunnies "nay nays" and I hope that never changes!

“I’m making beer. Do you want to try some? It’s regular adult beer, nana (orange) flavor.”

“I’m a bebe (baby) that can play with small LEGOs. I’m a kid bebe!”

“I think the mailman will bring it to me. Somebody who brings us wishlist things.” (Talking about a toy he wanted)

Clara was making up nonsense animals and names to go with them and said something was a "Mickey Donald blah blah blah." To which Emmett replies, “A Mickey Donald trump!”

“I’m a chanchito (pig) of agua!”

“I’m pumping milk from my baby.” (As he plays with a bottle) Only gwurls have babies, that’s not fair. It probably hurts to have a baby. I wish I was a boy.” Me: “You are a boy.” Emmett: “No, I’m a gwurl!”

Me: “This dinosaur ate meat, what type is it?” Emmett: “Bad!”

Clara was talking about tío Robert and tia Erika not having kids until recently and Emmett said, “ They don’t have kids, they have a baby!”

“I don’t smell disgusting, Dad do.” (When Clara told him he smelled)

I asked Emmett if he needed to blow his nose because it was running. “No, it’s just coming out and I don’t have to do anything!” (Said with a completely straight face in an excited voice.)

Emmett: “My name is pistachio!” Clara: “What’s a pistachio?” Emmett: “ A person with a long, long nose who lies a lot!”

Emmett: “Why aren’t we going downstairs” Dada: “We are giving Clara one minute to finish getting dressed and come with us.” Emmett "So Clara don’t whine?” 

“I’m Going to put it in the refreezer!”

“Hasta lego!” (He meant hasta luego.)

“Mama, how come you don’t drive Dada’s car? Only when he drink beer?”

Me: “Emmett who were the first people on earth? It’s in your Bible.” Emmett: “Zombies!”

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