Sunday, January 26, 2020

Lo Que Dice Clarita Verano 2019

Clara's my serious child who's always thinking about things and trying to reason things through.  Clarita speaks so well that she often seems older than she is and I constantly have to remind myself that she's only six and I can't expect her to act older just because she speaks like an older child. I think this has been a problem for me her whole life. Although they're fewer and farther in between, she still says some funny things. Unlike Emmett, she usually does not intend them to be funny and sometimes gets upset when we laugh.

Talking about all the schools in Kingsburg being named after presidents. “I hope they don’t name one after Donald Trump!”

“Last one home’s a rotten eggplant!”

We were rhyming words with yucky Clara: “You’re fucky.” Me: “Don’t say that, it’s not a nice word.” Clara: “What? Fucky? People name their dogs Fucky.”

Talking about high school: “Then I’ll buy my own stuff. That’s what all high school kids do.” (I'm very excited about this one!)

“You know why peanut butter cups are good for you? They have peanut butter and that’s protein!”

We got a nine person tent and I said, “I guess we can have five more kids.” Clara, “No you can’t, Dad had his penis cut. You could marry someone else though.”

Emmett said that he saw two cows and a chicken and Clara replied, “You mean dos (two) hotdogs and una (one) chicken nugget? That’s what they’ll turn into!”

“Emmett can you pretend to be a pianoist now?”

“Oh my gosh dad. I’ve heard this song a million times and it’s going to be stuck in my head. I do not like songs stuck in my head.” (Friday by Rebecca Black)

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