Saturday, January 11, 2020

September Fun 2019

Looking back through my pictures, September was a crazy month! We had lots of cousin fun including violin lessons, a fun day while Tios celebrated their anniversary, and morning dish washing before school.

We hit up the Clay fall festival which is more fun now that we know a bunch of people that go to school there. We followed it up with a fun dinner with our favorite neighbors!

Bailey came over for a much anticipated slumber party. Clara planned the whole thing out, complete with decorating her room with ribbon! We ate ice cream, made biscuits, jumped on the trampoline, rode bikes, ate donuts at the park, and painted nails. It was a great time and Bailey said that she wished she lived in town so she could ride her bike all over the place!

We picked up trash along the road with church. The kids actually had a fun time and Elise was mad that she had to stay in the baby carrier!

Emmett started his second year of preschool. Elise was distraught when we dropped him off the first day, but he was excited to see all his friends and "play, play, play!"

We went to the book fair at Clara's school and even got to see Olaf! Both kids were super excited to get some books. The school has volunteers help throughout the week so all the classes can come and choose a few books. It makes it easy because Clara already knew what she wanted and where to find them. I helped with that part so I got to scout some books out that I thought Emmett would like!

Clara and Bailey got to come with us to a play at the Opera House. Clara and I had a picnic after her violin lesson before the play. It was one where they sang songs from a certain genre and Elsa and Ariel both made appearances!

Both kids had a cavity free trip to the dentist so we celebrated with frozen yogurt for Clara and Jamba Juice for Emmett. We went to Clara's dance class right after and Emmett fell asleep in the car. He stayed asleep for about a half hour of her dance class when all of a sudden I felt something hot running down my leg. He was so sound asleep he wet his pants while sleeping on my lap! Needless to say I screamed and jumped up and he woke up. Dada had to come pick up a wet Emmett and I had to sit through the rest of class with urine on my skirt! It was pretty funny!

The kids wanted to make ice cream sundaes so

My phone broke in August and I decided to wait until the new iPhone came out to get a new phone. I found my super old iPhone 5 and used that and pre-ordered the new iPhone. I really don't care about technology and had never bought a phone when it came out before. I opted to pick it up rather than have it shipped because I could get it faster, (I shattered the 5 a couple days before) and was given a 30 minute window in which I was supposed to pick up my phone and just assumed I would walk in, get it, and leave. Wrong! Turns out I had to wait in line for almost two hours! Of course I took Emmett and Elise with me and had nothing other than some berries and random stuff I found in my purse to entertain them. As soon as we got in line Emmett started crying that he needed to poop. Luckily the nice girl behind us saved our place while we went to the bathroom. It was a long time with two tired kids, but they did great and made a lot of new friends. I will never make that mistake again!

We celebrated Reedcito's eighth birthday with pizza and an outdoor movie night. There were soccer games, boys against girl tag, and an epic group hug with Reed in the middle after they sang happy birthday. It was a fun night and Emmett is so impressed that Reed is so old!

We had lots of fun playing outside and getting a few late summer swims in, playing with make-up, building forts, and playing in Emmett's tent Clara got him for his birthday. Even the cats like it!

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