Friday, January 3, 2020

Pumpkin Patchin' 2019

Every year we say we are going to go to Hillcrest the first weekend it's open, before it gets crowded and every year we forget. Until this year, that is! We happened to have early soccer games so we headed over as soon as Emmett's was done. Unfortunately it meant that Aba was not able to go with us as she was in Norway, but almost everyone else managed to make it. Abuelos and Tia Alyssa and Teagee got there late after Teagee's soccer game. Unfortunately, the kids (Clara especially) were pretty done with pictures by then so we did not get any pictures with them. We had a blast checking out the pumpkins, playing with the tractors, taking pictures, riding the steam train, and we even went on the hay ride this year. Of course Clara got upset numerous times and refused to take pictures. That meant we got some really good ones of her! It was the perfect weather and a great day!


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