Sunday, January 12, 2020

October Fun 2019

October involved a lot of slumber parties at los Tios! We were constantly doing kid free stuff and los Tios saved the day! The kids had tons of fun and always wanted to stay!

Tio had to do Emmett's hair!

Dada and I ran the worst half marathon ever, he went to a safety conference in Chicago and helped put another one on in Fresno (at the same time as I had to go to Napa so that meant a mid week slumber party and Tio had to take all the kids to school!). We also went to my 20 year high school reunion that I helped plan (he literally met me there straight from the airport). It was a blast for sure! I also went to a baby shower for Brooke where we made wreaths (I wasn't very good at it).

I always look like I'm dying in races...

The only picture I took at the reunion and it was at the pre party...

We had lots of cousin fun including watching Bailey get recognized at a football game for being the top reader in her class. I think Clara was a little jealous, but we saw her kindergarten teacher there so it made it all better! The kids were also really into playing with make up so we all got quite a few makeovers...

We're so lucky to have awesome neighbors with kids the exact same ages as ours. They have so much fun running between the houses and playing! Corey also suped up a Jeep and the kids drive it absolutely crazy! They do donuts in the high school parking lot and have to wear helmets!

Always the teacher
I got Emmett a hot dog costume on a whim and it was the best $20 I ever spent! The kids all took turns wearing it and Clara loved it so much I bought here one too! Even the contractor working on our basement loved it! Who wore it best?

I made the kids fill candy bags for me for work. They loved it and I didn't have to do it. I'll be sad when they don't think it's fun anymore.

Dada took the kids to Reedley Beach while I was dying of a sinus infection. They had tons of fun as always and he even let them have a go at metal detecting. Unfortunately they just found old junk.

Clara and Emmett either seem to be best friends or fighting lately. I prefer the former!

I finally gave in to their begging and we took them to Jamba Juice one week after church. Of course Emmett then proceeded to wet the bed at both nap and night. He's 0 and 2 for staying dry after drinking Jamba Juice so he's now banned.

Clara had her Halloween violin recital. She dressed up like a cat (which went perfectly with her costume for the Halloween party we went to after). She had just started playing notes other than open strings the week before and I was a little worried. Turns out I didn't need to be and she did great. It was also her first time playing with the whole group and it was fun to watch her play with the big kids. Playing with them definitely helped her to improve!

I let Clara paint my nails for the first time and she did a lot better than I expected! Soon I'll have my own manicurist!

Dada played in an alumni water polo game. Emily, Ethan, and Sophia also played so it was extra fun! It was alumni against the junior high team but Dada was the goalie for the kids. The highlight of the game was Emily slamming a ball in his face. It was hilarious!

At least he blocked it!

We love the Miltons!

Eliana turned five and we had a super fun time celebrating her at a trampoline place!

Clara got to see Clue the musical with us at the Opera House. ANyone who guessed the killer, weapon, and room correctly got put in a drawing to win a plaque. I put Clara's nae on my paper and she won! I knew she'd be shy, but didn't expect her to totally freak out and hide under the table. She was so mad at me and would only come out for Tia. It was hilarious!

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