Sunday, January 12, 2020

Halloween 2019

As usual, we fit in as many Halloween celebrations as possible! We started the party with the Ketelsen's annual Halloween Party. The theme this year was 90s and the costumes did not disappoint! As usual I had so many great ideas, but ran out of time. We reused our hammer pants Tia made us nine years ago, added some vests, and I found a cassette player costume for Emmett (Clara pointed out that it said 80s mix, not 90s on it), and attempted to turn Clara into a microphone. Clara was suepr excited about her costume until she had to put it on. It lasted about 5 seconds and she turned back into a cat. Emmett changed into his hot dog costume as soon as we took pictures. We had a fun night complete with a magic show, the kids eating Oreos until they popped, and dance parties!

The golf course where Tio and a bunch of our friends are members had a trick or treat night this year. People decorated gold carts and the kids got to trick or treat. There was also food and face painting. The kids both went as hot dogs and had a blast! My personal favorite was Elise's tiny Mutt Cutts car right next to the bigger golf cart version!

Both kids got to wear costumes to school to celebrate Halloween. Emmett chose the hot dog and Clara made a last minute change and went as a Vampire. Dada and I dressed up too!

On Halloween Aba took Bailey and Emmett to church to help with Trunk or Treat. I picked the big girls up and met them there. The kids had a ton of fun passing out candy and took their jobs super seriously. Emmett chased people down shouting, "Happy Halloween," and even Elise was super excited to give out handfuls of candy. 

Clara had music class and violin so we had to leave Trunk or Treat early. Everyone in her music class was in costume so that made it more fun! Unbeknownst to us, downtown Reedley was hosting a trick or treat down Main Street. It worked out perfectly because we had an hour to kill between music lessons. Clara had a great time and we saw lots of friends!

We ended violin early and booked it to the Raven's for their annual Halloween party. We got there just in time to wolf some food down and head out to trick or treat. The kids all had a blast! The older they get, the more into trick or treating they get! We had a great Halloween week and are now in a perpetual sugar coma!!

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