Sunday, January 12, 2020

Life of a Big Sister

Clarita has been more easily annoyed by Emmett lately. He copies her, doesn't do what she wants, and wants to play with her toys. He's no longer the easy going baby brother she could boss around. They definitely fight more now, but they also still have more moments where they get along. In this moments, she continues to be patient, kind, and genuinely loves her little brother! She also gets to have lots of fun when he's napping! She started playing the violin and spent months obsessed with it!

Coaching Emmett to pee on the lawn

While Emmett naps, Clarita and Dada often go on adventures. They ride bikes all over town, fly kites and play at the high school, and often get treats!

Clarita is our little animal lover. She loves the cats and is constantly carrying them around. She's lucky they are easy going! She also loves daddy long legs and freaks out if she thinks we are going to kill one. She's even stopped killing snails.

Clara has a lot of fun at school with her friends! Kingsburg is good at incorporating fun into school! She also gets to have fun at music class!

As girly as Clara is, she also likes to play sports in the back yard and play in the dirt. Emmett hates to be dirty, but Clara could care less. She also loves dressing up and has decided that she looks cuter in glasses. As a result, she is constantly taking my computer glasses and wearing them around the house.

Aba made this for me when I was in kindergarten
Always so ladylike...

I've been trying to make more time to do things alone with Clarita. I know that she enjoys them and so do I!
We love Bella Bakery

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