Saturday, January 4, 2020

Life of a Little Brother

Emmett got to go to a Fresno State football game with Dada. They had so much fun that he had to take two naps! 

Little brothers get to eat ice cream and have a lot of fun doing so!

They also get to help Dada cook!

Little brothers eat donuts when they score goals and get to pee on trees!

Sometimes little brothers get to help with littler kids. Aba was in Norway and Grandma Donna had surgery so that meant that I got to watch Elise and Bailey on Fridays for a few weeks. Emmett, Elise, and I  generally went to Uptown Sprouts after dropping the big girls off so I could get work done while they played. They are so sweet together and Emmett always offered to share his treat with her!

Whenever Elise was too quiet I knew she was up to something like putting Clara's make up on or sprinkling glitter all over the floor!


I would feed Elise lunch early and then bring Emmett's lunch when I picked him up from preschool so he could eat it on the way to the allergy doctor. I always brought fruit for them to eat while we waited after my shots. Elise got to the point that all I had to mention was doctor and she immediately started asking for fruit! They entertained each other at the allergy doctor and made a lot of new friends! 

Every time we dropped Emmett off at preschool, Elise got very upset. The second I said we could go pick him up, she had her shoes on (or sometimes Emmett's) and was at the door telling me to put my shoes on. The two of them are sooo cute together and we had so much fun on Fridays! I think Emmett really missed his calling as a big brother!

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