Friday, December 27, 2019

August Fun 2019

August was a lot of fun...and apparently life has been so busy that I can only write blogs four months late! We hit up Home Depot and the kids built pencil boxes.

We celebrated Fun Day hippie style! No kids, all the fun!

We had end of summer BBQs with the Engstroms, lots of bike riding, bug catching, and back to school haircuts. We ate fruit until we were going to explode, Emmett had his first hearing test (he passed with flying colors), and screamed at Halloween decorations that were out way too early.


Before school started the older kids participated in a soccer camp put on by the high school girls' soccer team. Clara and Bailey did it last year, but this was Emmett's first year. He was so excited about it and then refused to do anything the first day. He literally sat on the ground and would only play if I kicked the ball to him. Apparently he got better after I left, but it wasn't what I was expecting.

Tia, Aba, and I took the kids to the Discovery Center for one last adventure before school started. The kids all had a blast and we learned too!

Tia had to go back to work the week before the kids went back to school, so Aba and I took them to the zoo for one last adventure. Elise was so brave in the splash pad and the older kids were sweet helping her around! It was hot but fun!

We celebrated Elise's second birthday with a swim party complete with burning tree piles getting bulldozed in the fields!. The kids thought it was amazing. We love our little Elise. She's sweet, sassy, and spunky and is the coveted playmate of all of the older kids!

Clara started first grade. Kingsburg schools are weird and all the kids from each grade go to the same school. That means each school has only one or two grades and each year is a new school, new teachers, new principal, etc. It didn't seem to phase Clara and she ran right in and got annoyed that we were taking pictures and not leaving. I love her love of school and hope she never loses it! She and Olive are in the same class this year so that made it extra special!

Bella Bakery is opening a creamery so we stopped by to sample all of the ice cream flavors. I think Dada tried them all and they did not disappoint!

Tia got the kids Build a Bear gift certificates for Christmas last year so I combined back to school shopping with stuffed animal making. Emmett liked the animals on the clearance rack so he got to choose two! They had so much fun making the animals and choosing outfits! Then we met Dada for lunch so he could meet Purrly the cat, Dadocaca the dinosaur, and Cococaca the naynay!

School starting for the big girls meant lots of play time for Emmett and Elise. Aba was in Norway and Grandma Donna had surgery so I watched the girls on Fridays for a few weeks. Emmett and Elise played together so well and let me get lots of work done! He's so good with her and makes sure she stays safe (for the most part).

We finished the month with a trip to the Grizzlies game. Emmett was obsessed with the fire trucks and we all had a great time!

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