Thursday, November 28, 2019

Washington 2019

My youngest cousin, K.C., got married in August outside of Seattle. The kids and I headed up Friday afternoon with Aba and Tia met us later that night. The kids enjoyed the short flight and traffic through downtown Seattle on a Friday at rush hour wasn't nearly as bad as I expected. We stayed at an Airbnb, and while it wasn't exactly as described, it was convenient and nice to be able to leave the kids with Aba and Tia in the morning while I went for a run! The weather was perfect and we crammed as much as possible into a long weekend!

We hit up a farmer's market/car show Saturday morning on our way to meet cousins/second cousins. My cousin, Jennifer, has three girls and two of them are the same age as Clara and Emmett. We went to a park with them and then lunch. The kids had fun playing and we had fun catching up. 

After lunch, we headed downtown. We went on the ferris wheel and to Pike Place market. We met Tio Robert, Tia Erika, and Eleanora for dinner before heading to the Space Needle. The kids were pretty impressed and we even skyped with Bailey and Elise at the top! Clara decided that Tia was her best friend and wanted nothing to do with me for once. I think she liked the fact that Bailey and Elise weren't there so Tia could give her undivided attention.

We rode the monorail back towards our car and realized I had parked in a parking garage that closed way before we got back. It could have been a disaster but I called the number on the ticket and he someone let us in and we got the car out. As a reward for being so dumb, we didn't even have to pay for parking!

Sunday we went to an aviation museum (and I apparently did not take any pictures). We got ready for the wedding at a park because we didn't want to drive back to Seattle. Emmett fell asleep in the car and didn't wake up until we got to the wedding so he changed in the parking lot! The wedding was lovely and it was great to catch up with family that we don't get to see that often. Four of Aba's six siblings were there and several of our cousins so it was like a family reunion! I always think of K.C. as a little kid because he is at least 10 years younger than me so it was fun to watch him all grown up getting married!

Making "juice" with sweetarts

Our family that made it to the wedding


Talitha, Zianne, and Clara

Tia left early Sunday morning, but Aba and I hung out at the zoo with Tios and Eleanora before heading to the airport. It was a pretty big zoo with a lot of animals and we had a great time! Emmett threw an epic tantrum when we were leaving a zoo because Aba bought Clara a stuffed animal since she bought Emmett a tank at the aviation museum. He could not fathom why he couldn't have an animal too and I literally had to carry him kicking and screaming. Several workers came out to look at us, probably because they thought I was kidnapping him. He fought me so much I had to set him down a couple times at which point he took off running back into the zoo. I was laughing so hard I think I was crying because it was so out of character for him.

We had an uneventful trip home. For the first time ever, Emmett did not sleep on the plane. Instead he watched Puffin Rock and laughed so hard everyone around us was laughing! We had a great trip and it was nice to see our extended family and get away from the heat! Both kids now want to live in Washington!

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