Wednesday, November 27, 2019

Four Years

I really can't believe my baby is four! In some ways he still seems so young (possibly because I treat him like he's a baby), but in other ways he seems so old. Emmett is still my little love bug. He constantly tells me that he loves me and gives me hugs and kisses. He is the sweetest with Elise and Eleanora and loves to play with them. I think he's super excited to have someone who listens to him and does not boss him around! I keep saying that he missed his calling as a big brother!

Emmett can also be a terror. He loves to smash and crash and has quite the little temper. Although he can usually be easily calmed down, he gets upset quickly and his first response is often to hit. He definitely got my temper! We're working on using nice words instead of screaming and hitting. I seriously had to pull him off Bailey three or four times one morning in the span of an hour for things like her holding onto my free hand while he held my hand that had something in it.

My little Bug loves all things boy. His favorites are diggers, dinosaurs, and all sports. He says he is going to play all sports and can't decide on a favorite. I'm still surprised he is so much of a stereotypical boy since he spends most of his time with girls. Being surrounded with girls he also likes dollhouses and "boy Barbies," but the boy toys definitely triumph.

He idolizes Clara and always looks to her for answers. Sometimes he changes his mind based on what she says. He's such a copycat (something Clara never was) and generally wants to do what Clara and Bailey do. This does not translate to food and he still refuses to eat his dinner half the time. He's got my stubbornness mixed with Dada's easy going personality and it makes for quite the interesting combination! All in all, he's such a sweet little guy and we love him to pieces!

Clara helping him pee on the front lawn!

Emmett's Stats
Weight: 33.5 pounds 
Height:  39.5 inches 

What Emmett Wears
His shirts are all 4T, but 3T shorts still fit him. 3T pants are getting short and I think he'll move up to 4T in the fall. His pajamas are 4T and shoes are size 8.

Things Emmett Loves
Mama and Dada, Clarita, Bailey, Elise, Eleanora, fruit, animals, baths, bubbles, being outside, climbing, balls, running, jumping, dancing, bikes, scooters, stuffed animals especially nay nays, reading, copying Clara and Bailey, dinosaurs, puzzles, cars/trucks, sports, tools, and smashing things.

Things Emmett Does Not Love
Not being able to do what Clara and Bailey do, Clara not sharing, and having to write anything.

Emmett continues to be super picky. He often refuses to eat dinner, especially if Clara refuses to eat something (however, if she eats something that does not make him want to eat it too). Emmett has finally embraced his love of meat and now declares that he is a T Rex and only wants to eat meat. He loves fruit too and will eat most cooked vegetables. He's still not a fan of salad or most raw vegetables.


Emmett is almost never quiet! He has so much to say and wants to make sure he says it all! He's still missing the "s" sound, but I can generally understand him. Clara and Bailey can always seem to understand him and will translate if necessary!

How Emmett Sleeps
Emmett goes to bed around 8:00 and gets up around 6:30. He sleeps in a twin bed with a million animals. He has to have his nay nays. He still takes two to three hour naps and I've realized that even if he takes a while to fall asleep or wakes up, he just lays quietly in bed and plays with his animals or sings. Emmett can fall asleep anywhere and will transfer from place to place without waking up. Sometimes we like to pose him because he never wakes up! He still will not get out of bed unless someone goes up to get him.

Snugglebuggle/Buggle, Baby Bug, Bud, Emee, Bubba

Favorite Colors
Blue, Orange, Green, and Yellow

Best Friends
It alternates between Bailey and Elise.

Exciting Events
June 1, 2019: First gum
June 22, 2019:  First nail polish (clear)
July 6, 2019: First time vomiting (I'm impressed he made it nearly 4 years!)
July 20, 2019: First time watching a movie in a theater


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