Sunday, April 19, 2020

A Marathon Kind of Day

I ran my first full marathon in November! I always swore I would never run a marathon because I thought it would require too much training. Once I realized that I would only have to add one long run to my training each week, I decided to go for it. I got hurt when I tried to train for one two years ago, (probably because I didn't actually train) so I decided to take it easier this time. Although I don't know if you can call what I did training, I definitely felt ready. Luckily, the night before, Bri decided to run it too and we ran together. Running together was perfect! We pushed each other and I would definitely not have run as fast without her. We crossed together and she was technically the second female and I was the third by a second! We did it in 3:18, a PR for both of us, and I was definitely happy. It was hotter than I would have liked by the end and I got so overheated that I had to take my hat off. I made the last minute decision to run with my Camelback because that's how I always did my long runs and it was a great decision! I'm really bad about eating during runs and pretty much always feel like I'm going to faint by the end. I managed to get two packs of sport beans down but I definitely wanted to die by the end. My highlight of the race will be beating my friend JK who's super fast! He always stops to talk to people and actually stopped to talk to Tios and Eleanora right before the finish line. I guess I have them to thank! I qualified for Boston so I guess there is at least one more marathon in my future! Luckily I have a year and a half to train!

Cold before the race

And we're off!

10 miles in and feeling great

Struggling before the finish line

About to pass JK

Thanks for the distraction favorite brother!

The kids played with Cami, Brin, and Eleanora during the race. They had a great time! I think they all fought over who got to hold Eleanora's hand!

Always silly

Chasing geese
For some reason, I thought that going to the zoo after the race would be a good idea. I think all the walking actually helped my legs and I didn't get too sore. We had a great time at the zoo! The kids were so excited to finally be able to show Dada the dinosaur exhibit that was almost ending. We even watched the bird show which we almost never do since we're usually there early. All in all, it was a great day!

Too much fun

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