Sunday, April 26, 2020

Christmas Recitals 2019

Clara and Emmett's Christmas recitals at school were on the same day. It actually made it nice because I just took the afternoon off and got them both done! I kept asking Emmett if he was dressing up as anything and he told me no. Turns out he was a wiseman! He was super cute and it made me sad that this was our last Christmas recital at Sonshine. The best part was when he and another boy were playing their "instruments" at each other and getting so into it! He showed us all of the Christmas activities he had done around his class after the program and was so proud. Then we had pizza with Aba while we waited for Clara's program.

Clara did great and knew all of the songs and motions. Once of the kids in her class was literally acting out the songs and it was a riot! Afterwards she refused to take pictures with us or show us anything in her class. These kids are opposites!

Next was music class recitals. Unfortunately Emmett didn't get to participate because there were only two kids in his class. He was a little sad but excited to watch the girls. Bailey chose the easiest song even though she is really good at the piano (smart move maybe because she played it excellently). This was Clara's last piano recital because she chose to just focus on violin (two instruments was getting to be too much). She was nervous about having to introduce herself, but managed to pull it off. She rocked her song and we had numerous people tell us she was the best. It's a little bittersweet that she's quitting because she is really good. 

Clara's violin recital got changed several times and we ended up not making it. Instead we went to Gruncle Tod's and Grauntie Traci's annual bierock Christmas celebration. Traci orchestrated a Christmas play and had the kids practice for several weeks. Clara was very excited to be Mary and took her role very seriously! It was absolutely hilarious! The older kids did great, but the little kids got distracted, hit each other, was so good! 

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