Saturday, May 9, 2020

Christmas 2019

We had another super full Christmas and I wouldn't have it any other day! We let the kids open their presents to each other and cards from Grandma Peggy on Christmas Eve afternoon before heading to Tios. Emmett and Elise took a nap while Clara and Bailey (who refused to nap) played and watched movies. Tio and I played some Christmas songs on the violin and piano and we all hung out and relaxed. We had a delicious rigatoni dinner as is our tradition and managed to get ready in plenty of time to take lots of pictures before church. Church was lovely as usual and I was the only one to drip my candle (allover my new coat of course).

We headed back to Tios, put on pjs, and let the present opening and dessert opening begin! The kids were all very pleased by their presents, as were the adults! The kids were fun to watch because they got so excited when they opened something they really wanted. There was a lot of jumping up and down and squealing! We put the kids to bed (we only had to go upstairs and threaten them a couple times this year) , opened presents and enjoyed drinks, more desserts, and games.

Clara picked out the perfect present for Dada

On Christmas morning the kids actually slept in until 6:30 or 7:00 which was late for them. They managed to wait until after I went to running to open stockings. Santa was good to us all! After a yummy breakfast, we hung out and the kids played a little before heading our separate ways.

We dropped off our presents at home and grabbed presents to take to abuelos. We opened presents once ls Ramirez arrived and the kids were so excited. Both Clara and Teagan picked out gifts for everyone from their school sales and they put a lot of thought into them. It was super cute!

We enjoyed a delicious lunch and the kids played while the adults relaxed. We spent the rest of the day eating, catching up, and building toys for the kids. Emmett was so tired and went super crazy. He finally laid down on the couch with me and fell right to sleep and took a nice little nap!  It was a great day!

When we got home, we opened stockings for one last Christmas hurrah! It was a great celebration spent with some of our favorite people!

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