Sunday, May 17, 2020

January Fun 2020

We started January with our annual Aebleskiver breakfast. Tio Robert, Tia Erika, and Eleanora couldn't make it this year so it was a smaller group. We all enjoyed the yummy food and then the sadness of taking down decorations began. After naptime we headed to Nan's for the Suemoto New Year celebration. As always there was tons of delicious food and great conversation and Jackson entertained the kids!

She wasn't tired

The kids and I hit up Home Depot to build a hockey game!

Elise and Bailey came over for Elise's first slumber party. I tried letting Elise and Emmett sleep together but it ended in Elise refusing to stop talking and Emmett crying when I took her out because he was by himself. Otherwise it was a fun time!

We celebrated Abuela Sheri's birthday with dinner at Cattlemens. We had to wait nearly an hour after our reservation to be seated and the kids were about done before we even started eating. They had fun playing with Abuela Sheri and Teegee while we waited and we had fun celebrating.


Aba also had a birthday and we celebrated with dinner at our house. The kids had tons of fun playing and helping her blow out the candles! Tia made mini pies so good the kids had to lick the plates! I even let them use china!

We had tons of fun with cousins and friends throughout the month and a few trips to Bella Bakery on foggy day schedule mornings! We watched all the Star Wars and the kids got light sabers which made their lives. Clara often pretended to be Rey and jumped around so seriously trying to channel the Force!

She makes good choices

Brought his light saber for VIP

Sous chef

On my birthday everything went wrong and I was convinced it was cursed. Luckily Tia saved the day with a great dinner the next night! We even took everyone back to the Truck Stop Indian restaurant for dinner! We also had our obligatory Red Robin dinner.

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