Monday, June 29, 2020

4.5 Years

Emmett continues to be the silliest guy around! He'll do anything for a laugh, including hitting himself in the face. He's constantly making funny faces, dancing crazy, making up ridiculous songs, literally anything that will make the girls laugh! 

Bug is my little gentleman. He loves to wear bow ties and be "fancy fancy," give me hugs and kisses, and help out. He generally lets Clara have her way, unless she gets upset and yells at him. If that happens he gets mad and screams back. There are a lot of fights at breakfast, generally about silly things like who ate more, and I have threatened to make them eat in different bathrooms!

Buggle loves eating and cooking. He always wants to help in the kitchen and gets genuinely excited when we let him. I'm not very patient with kids and cooking, but luckily Dada is!

Emmett has started protesting nap time. He only protests sometimes, and he almost always sleeps, but there have been a couple times when he refused to sleep.  Needless to say, those evenings did not go well. My little guy still needs naps and gets very grumpy without them. He either cries about every little thing, or ends up falling asleep on the couch, floor, or once on my lap while reading.

Emmett loves his cousins. He and Bailey have tons of fun playing together, but I think he may like the little girls more. They listen to him, copy him, and he can boss them around. He's actually really good with Elise and Eleanora and always makes sure they are safe. 

My little guy continues to be boy through and through. He loves smashing, getting dirty, building things, any type of vehicle, and being active all the time. He's also sweet and still loves to snuggle. Emmett is really a great little kid and continues to amaze me with all the things he is learning and his drive and focus to learn more!


Emmett's Stats
Weight: 37.5 pounds 
Height:  40 inches 

What Emmett Wears
His clothes are all 4T. His pajamas are 5T and shoes are size 9.

Things Emmett Loves
Mama and Dada, Clarita, Bailey, Elise, Eleanora, fruit, animals, bubbles, being outside, balls, running, jumping, dancing, bikes, scooters, stuffed animals especially nay nays, reading, copying Clara and Bailey, dinosaurs, puzzles, cars/trucks, sports, tools, smashing snails.

Things Emmett Does Not Love
Not being able to do what Clara and Bailey do, Clara not sharing, not getting his way.

Emmett continues to be super picky. He loves most meats, with sausage being his favorite. He will rarely eat bread unless it is in the form of garlic bread or french toast. He loves cheese but only in cheese stick form. His favorite foods are still sausage and pizza (preferably with sausage). Emmett likes most cooked vegetables but wants nothing to do with salad. 


Emmett continues to talk, talk, talk and gets mad at Clara if she doesn't give him enough time to say everything he wants to (aka the entire day)! He's getting better at saying "s," but is definitely missing sounds and difficult to understand at times. Since he still talks like a little guy, I often underestimate how smart he is and how much he knows.

How Emmett Sleeps
Emmett goes to bed between 8:00 and 8:30 and gets up around 6:30. He sleeps in a twin bed with a million animals. He has to have his nay nays. He and Clara often have slumber parties in her room. He still takes two to three hour naps and I've realized that even if he takes a while to fall asleep or wakes up, he just lays quietly in bed and plays with his animals or sings. Emmett can (and does) fall asleep anywhere and will transfer from place to place without waking up. He still will not get out of bed unless someone goes up to get him.

Snugglebuggle/Buggle, Baby Bug, Bud, Bubba, Bubby

Favorite Colors
Orange, Yellow, and Green

Best Friends
It alternates between Bailey and Elise. His best friend at school is Wyatt and his best friend on his soccer team was Caden.

Exciting Events
June 1, 2019: First gum
June 22, 2019:  First nail polish (clear)
July 6, 2019: First time vomiting (I'm impressed he made it nearly 4 years!)
July 20, 2019: First time watching a movie in a theater


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