Sunday, May 17, 2020

December Fun 2019

In between all of the holiday activities, we managed to squeeze in some additional fun. Clara and I had Starbucks dates in between piano and violin. Coffee cake is her favorite! She and Ryland even had their very own piano class when everyone else was absent!

I took the kids to HMC one Friday after school because George the Giraffe (the mascot for Valley Children's Hospital) came for a visit. Bailey and Emmett always have fun playing around the trees and trying to climb them while we wait for Clara to come out of class.The kids were pretty excited to meet him and get a stuffed giraffe. Clara refused to take a picture with him, but Bailey and Emmett obliged. They all had fun playing in Dada's office afterward! 

We took the kids to see Frozen 2 and it did not disappoint! It was Elise's first movie in the theater and she did great! It was also the first Disney movie that Clara did not cry while watching! The kids even dressed up (Clara's Elsa dress was suddenly too itchy to wear).

We managed to hit up Uptown Sprouts during Christmas break. Always a ton of fun!

We ate a lot of delicious food and Bailey even got the kids chopsticks which they loved using!

Over the chopsticks

The kids love helping to take down the Christmas lights because they get to go on the roof!

We had lots of fun with cousins and friends! We celebrated Connors' eighth birthday with a Lego party! And Jace's birthday with a party at My Gym!

Clara and Dada adventures

Winnie has the best trampoline hair!

She always has a cat around!

When Clara falls asleep in the car it's the sign
of a good day!

Crazy train
Blanket fort

Clara the teacher

The best Lego tower on her cupcake

Emmett loves Elise

We even had some adult fun and celebrated Erin's birthday! The kids had a sleepover at Abuelos'  and Dada took me to a super romantic dinner at the truck stop Indian food restaurant. It was actually delicious despite the less than desirable atmosphere.

We said goodbye to 2019 with the McClarty's annual New Year's Eve party. My kids are both old enough to fend for themselves now so I let them be and enjoyed myself! They ate plates of dessert (I did too) and had a ton of fun with their friends. So many kids made it to midnight this year and it was pure chaos, but I wouldn't have it any other way! We can't wait for what 2020 brings us!

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