Saturday, September 19, 2020

Cabin COVID Escapes

It got really cold and started raining and snowing in the mountains at the end of March through the beginning of April. We took advantage of the snow and went to the cabin on the weekends. We figured there was no place better to social distance. 

It was bizarre because the National Park was closed so the entire place was dead and quiet. I have never seen it so empty. There was one other family that had the same idea as us; otherwise we saw nobody. 

We thought it snowed quite a bit in March, but it was nothing compared to the beginning of April! I have never seen so much snow up there in my life! It snowed several feet overnight and Dada's car and all our paths were completely covered! Needless to say, the kids were super excited to wake up to a winter wonderland!

That weekend we had actually planned to stay into the week and work from there. Unfortunately, the internet and cell service was down when we got there Sunday afternoon. We took Monday off but had to go back Monday night since it's hard to work without internet. It was blissfully nice to be disconnected from the world for a couple nights. We could pretend that the world wasn't falling a part and just enjoy the snow!

We had so much fun playing in the snow and staying cozy in the cabin. We sledded, went snow shoeing, and even let the kids try out Dada's old snowboard! It was way too big for them, but they both managed to ride it down the hill. Clara even figured out how to turn; I think she's ready to try snowboarding next year! Emmett spent half the time lying on his stomach eating his body weight in snow, and we played lots of games including really old Clue and Yahtzee games! It was a nice escape from the real world!

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