Sunday, November 15, 2020

Mountain Fun!

We really wanted to go camping, but almost everything was closed. Instead, we took a trip to Mountain Home Grove, a grove of sequoias in the national forest not too far from us that has some of the biggest sequoias in the world. None of us had ever been there before and we didn't know what to expect. It did not disappoint! It was nice and cool up there and we saw so many awesome giant trees! There were some we could walk through, and a bunch you could only see if you took bumpy dirt roads (luckily Dada has AWD). We took some short hikes and enjoyed the beauty! Clara even put on a violin concert for us!

Every year we say we are going to take the kids to Yosemite, but something always happens (usually fires and terrible smoke) and we never do. This year we figured it was the perfect time since you had to get a permit to enter and they were not letting a ton of people in. We met Tíos there and had a great time! It wasn't that crowded and the weather was perfect. The kids were very impressed and Clara kept exclaiming that it was so beautiful. I think it almost took her breath away! The kids had a blast at Glacier Point Lookout and thought the little lookout was a castle! For the first time ever, the lookout over the valley after the tunnel was pretty much empty and we didn't have to fight to get a spot! We walked the paved trail to Yosemite Falls and even saw some deer! We brought our scooters and scooted through the valley and had a picnic. The kids and dads went swimming in the freezing river and we all had a blast! Tíos headed home, but we scooted through Curry Village and left after dinner. It was the perfect first trip to Yosemite for the kids!

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