Saturday, March 6, 2021

August Fun 2020

August was better than July. Things got slightly back to normal in that there was no more quarantining and we hung out with a few people again. The kids enjoyed playing with Olive and Winnie. Winnie was all set a small to have a trick or treat birthday party but it was canceled due to sickness so we dressed up and they drove by and we handed them her present. The kids continued at Sonshine and had a few more fun days before school started (and the summer crafts did not disappoint). Bri came over and gave us much needed haircuts before school started so the kids could be presentable again.

Since we were unable to celebrate Emmett's birthday in July, we had a cake for family dinner at the beginning of August. We also had a cake and piƱata at fun day so he got lots of celebrations!

Emmett and I went to his well check while Clara played with Tia and the girls. They had a make-up salon and even Tia got a makeover! We also finally redeemed Emmett's certificate for a cookie for completing music!

We had high hopes of getting to do fun day with a small group of people that work together/have kids in daycare together, but ended up deciding that it wouldn't be responsible. Sarah did a great job of putting together a Zoom fun day complete with goody bags. We each got together in person with another couple and completed the challenges and reconvened via Zoom. It was definitely different, but a lot more fun than I imagined! Dada still did his annual fun day hairstyle and the kids were excited they got to pretty much do whatever they wanted all day and have a slumber party! The highlight was a boat race where we had our kids pound juice while we drank alcohol! 

Elise turned three and we were able to have a small party with us and the grandmas. Tio Robert, Tia Erika, and Eleanora joined us via Zoom for cake cutting. We had a great time celebrating the little monster! She's feisty, spunky, stubborn, cute as can be, and we just love her!

Our basement master suite was finally finished at the end of the month and Clara helped me clean it after the floor was installed. They also helped us move the toys from the old playroom into the new playroom and managed to donate some in the process! 

Of course there was a lot of playing with cousins and kittens since those are apparently the most fun things to do!

Dada took the kids on an adventure to the mountains to play in the river. He also took them to Shaver to get Clara's music we left at Gruncle Tod's and Grauntie Traci's cabin. They got pizza and dessert from Cressman's. Little did we know a giant fire would start a couple days later that would burn so much including Cressman's. I'm glad they got to enjoy it one last time.

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