Sunday, May 16, 2021

Zooming Into School

Unfortunately, school started via Zoom. We were able to meet the kids' teachers and see their classrooms prior to the start of school. Emmett had wacky Wednesday at daycare the day we met his teacher and was very nervous and shy. Clara was so excited to meet her teacher and was in love with her. Both teachers seemed super nice and tried to make the best out of a not great situation.

The first day of school the kids and I went to Lincoln and Washington to take our traditional first day of school photos. We managed to get them done and get back home in time for Zoom! Elise wanted to start school too!

Bailey and Emmett are in the same class which was so helpful. Emmett was so nervous about the first day and Bailey was there to hold his hand, just like she did their first day of preschool. My refusal to let my kids use technology backfired when Emmett had to do everything online and had no idea how to even turn on a computer. Luckily Bailey had to do Zoom at the end of TK and was able to help him out. She was also very helpful with their work since she could read some of it. Clara decided to make the first day more interactive and do the calendar and other things they would actually do in class. She even set Elise up with some work to do while they were in "school." 

The first day of school was filled with technical difficulties and I felt so bad for the teachers. They handled it like champs and I was so impressed with Bailey's and Emmett's teacher and the was she handled 24 five year olds who had trouble sitting still and listening. Although the situation was not ideal, we made the most of it and managed to get work done and even have a little bit of fun!

Zoom glitches are one of Clara's worries

She wanted to make crafts with him
like she did in kindergarten

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