Sunday, August 15, 2021

October Fun 2020

October brought some cooler weather and we headed to Hillcrest for some fall fun. We all enjoyed a chance to get out and do something!

We spent the first half of October doing Zoom school while I worked at home all but one day a week. Aba watched the kids twice a week so that was a nice reprieve! There were lots of crafts and Clara even got to make musical instruments. She put a ton of thought into the assignment and did it completely on her own! Clara also took it upon herself to do the calendar with the kids in the mornings! Emmett got a special packet pick up from school that included a pumpkin and sun glasses! Schools definitely tried to make school fun despite the circumstances.


Halfway through October the kids got to go back to school 4 days a week for 2.5 hours a day with an AM/PM schedule. It doesn't sound like much, but it gave me a few kid free hours a day to get work done and it was so nice! The kids loved being back in actual class! They even got to have a fun dress up week in person!

Since this was our first year without soccer in 4 years, we took advantage of the free weekends and got away to the cabin. We did some hiking (and whining) and relaxed and enjoyed the cool weather.

We spent a lot of time with cousins and a few friends and the kids even made much appreciated appearances on my Zoom church council meetings! During what is traditionally a super busy time, it was nice to get to relax and enjoy the downtime. I signed the kids up fo a bunch of Zoom classes that they could do after school while I worked and they loved them!

Her violin teacher appreciated her 
dance outfits!

The car wash is always a big hit!

Halloween looked a lot different this year. Most of our normal celebrations were canceled, but we still managed to have fun. Emmett and Bailey got to wear costumes to school the day before Halloween and the city put on their annual trick or treating at downtown businesses. This year all kids got to go instead of just kindergarten since school was only a couple hours long. Aba and I took the kids and they had a blast. Clara got to wear her costume on Zoom on actual Halloween. We had a few friends over for  small celebration where we decorated pumpkins and cookies. Clara had her annual Halloween violin recital and dressed as Mal from Descendants. It inspired me to get last minute costumes for the rest of us (Emmett's didn't come on time) to wear to the Ravens annual Halloween party. We made a pit stop at Tio Robert and Tia Erika's and made it home in time for Bailey and Elise to trick or treat. We had a great time trick or treating and playing with family at the Raven's.

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