Saturday, August 28, 2021

November Fun 2020

November brought cooler weather and it finally felt like fall. We didn't do many of our normal fall activities due to COVID, but we still managed to have some fun! We celebrated Bailey's sixth birthday with a small family party. Tio Robert, Tia Erika, and Eleanora even made an appearance and got to sing and have some cake! Bailey and Clara both lost their front teeth at the same time so we got some cute toothless grin pictures!

We celebrated Dada's birthday with family, cake, and craziness! 

We managed to get away to the cabin again with Tios. There was a little snow on the ground and the kids thought that was awesome. We had fun relaxing and enjoying the cold. By morning all the kids ended up in the same bed; needless to say there wasn't a lot of sleeping! It was freezing on our last day and the kids and I almost got frostbite walking to panoramic point!

Tia and I took the kids to the zoo once it opened again and they were super excited! The giraffe feeding had just opened that day and we may have been the first people to feed them in months!

Clara was pretty into the presidential election and she and Bailey made a ton of Biden signs (most of them also had cats on them)! There were a lot of crafts and building throughout the month. Also lots of time spent with cousins and our neighbors. The kids enjoyed only being in school for a few hours a week and spent lots of time playing with the cats. Emmett and Bailey got to dress up for Mickey Mouse's birthday at school which they loved! One of our neighbors got solar panels and another cut a tree down and you'd have thought it was the most exciting thing to ever happen from the kids' reactions!

Thanksgiving was much smaller this year as I didn't feel comfortable having a big celebration with COVID getting worse. It was definitely weird and we missed everyone, but it was nice and relaxing. We still had a lot of great food and got to Zoom with family that wasn't here. I put the kids to work setting the table, bought pies from a local vendor, and Bri gave me some super cute centerpieces she made so I literally had very little work to do!

Clara lost a million teeth and I convinced the kids to help me clean up all the fall decorations if they wanted to put up Christmas decorations...I don't know why I never did this before! We were excited to still have the annual Julgranfest for the lighting of the tree! Santa didn't make it this year due to COVID, but he did call in to let everyone know he was ok!

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