Sunday, May 19, 2013

A Whirlwind Weekend

Kevin had to go to Chicago for work so it was just Clara and I for a whirlwind weekend! We dropped Kevin off at the airport Friday morning, headed to the allergy doctor, then a funeral, then a little rest before Deyra's graduation. It was a very exciting event as Deyra has worked really hard these past two years in order to earn her associate's degree from Reedley College. This is a huge accomplishment for someone who grew up literally in the middle of nowhere without electricity or running water and spoke no English. We are very proud of her. Clara got a little fussy during the graduation and then went to sleep in the Baby Bjorn. She made quite a few admirers as she cooed and made her famous expressions during the ceremony.
Sleeping during the ceremony

Hanging with la Abuelita


Saturday was the Swedish Festival in the town that we live in. Every year there is the Dala Trot race and the male and female winners get a miniature Dala Horse (aka the orange horse that I took maternity pictures laying on). I had run it twice in the past and I won it once and got second the other time (this really fast girl showed up out of nowhere and beat me, but also made me run my personal best time). I had told everyone that I was going to win it this year, but I didn't really think that I would be able to. My awesome mother spent the night at my house Friday night so she could watch Clara while I ran and bring her to the finish line to cheer me on. Somehow I pulled some fastness out of the air and managed to win myself another horse! Clara had fun watching (she really just likes being outside and around people) and was great motivation for me to kick it up a notch at the finish. The race was followed by a Swedish pancake breakfast complete with Lingonberry jam (the real reason we all run). Even though it is not a super competitive race, it felt really good to run and win it. I felt like I pushed myself to reach this goal and hope that I am teaching Clarita that hard work pays off and that being active is fun. I can't wait until she can go in the stroller without her car seat and go for runs with Kevin and I. Right now it is a little too unwieldy although Kevin has pushed her a few times.
All done
My mom watched Clarita Saturday all afternoon and evening so I could go to Pinot and Pints, a fundraiser for the Reedley College agriculture department. It was a nice break and I even had a glass of wine! Then I watched a movie with some friends. It was very simple, but so nice to watch a whole movie uninterrupted. Clara enjoyed spending time with La Abuelita even if she did have an upset stomach. My mom spent the night again since I got home late and it was nice to have her here since Kevin was gone. Thanks for all your help mom!

On Sunday we attended my Pastor's daughter's first birthday party. Pastor Rick and his wife Tracy adopted Emma a year ago and it has been so fun to watch her grow! I can't wait until she and Clara can play together! Her party was "Up" themed complete with a house with balloons on top and an awesome cake! Emma wasn't exactly sure what to make of her cake...she thought it was fun to squish but I'm not sure if she ate any of it. Clarita took it all in and made Tio Robert laugh will all of her constantly changing expressions. She can go from smiling to frowning to looking serious to looking confused all in one minute!
What a cute cake

Not sure what to do with the cake


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