Friday, August 16, 2013

Dada's Triathlon and Tristan's Eighth Birthday

Last Saturday Kevin did a triathlon that began with a 1/2 mile swim in Huntington Lake followed with a 13 mile bike to the dam and finishing with a 5k run (it was actually longer) at China Peak Ski Resort. He did a triathlon right before we left for Honduras and has not done one since. This one was not only at elevation (7,000 feet), it was also super hilly and 40 degrees when they started. Kevin had never really ridden on hills and he had only run at elevation once. Needless to say, he still did great! He got seventh place overall and second in his division! Clara and I went to watch him and she thought it was really fun, especially sine there were people to flirt with everywhere! Kevin's friends Brian and Katie and their two kids Tyler and Madison also came to watch. It was the first time they had seen Clara and she loved them!

Waiting for the race

What's this black rubber thing?

Dada ready for the swim

Bike time

Running up the stairs

Katie and Clara (I think Clara's watching Dada speed by)

Kevin insisted on taking Clarita up to the podium to claim his prize and she stole the show! She was so good, especially considering we woke her up at 5:30 to head out. She loved being bundled up, a big change since it's been so hot this summer. Clara said that she can't wait to see Dada compete in more triathlons and that she expects a win next time!:) We are very proud of Dada!

Yay Dada!

Dada got the best prize...

On Sunday we celebrated Tristan's eighth birthday. During VBS I taught Tristan all about themes so he could chose one for his birthday party. When we arrived at his house everything was Angry Birds. When I asked him what the theme was he thought about it and then said, "Angry Birds". Good to know that he was paying attention during our lesson!

Tristan put the figurines on all by himself!

Clara and Teagan apparently called each other to coordinate their outfits and even gave Tristan a heads up on what colors to wear so that they could all match. Tristan had fun taking pictures with the girls, especially once they all put on their angry bird eyebrows and mustaches! Clara thought hers was pretty cool, but Teagan hated hers.
Cousin Twins!

Angry Bird Cousins

Cutest little Angry Bird

Clara got to hit her first piƱata! She let me help her, but I think she could have done it alone! She had a good grip on the stick and did not want to let go to give Baby Bubbles a chance. My favorite part of the day was laying the babies on the floor net to each other. We haven't done this for awhile and it is always hilarious! This time was no exception. Teagan was rolling all over the place including on top of Clarita. She kicked her in the eye and Clara laughed. At the end Teagan was crying and Clara was staring at her almost laughing. I am sure that people with twins are constantly entertained because watching babies interact is so funny!

She's actually holding the stick

Teagan trying to steamroll Clara

Clara tried out Teagan's Jumperoo and thought it was pretty fun. Now she wants one! It was a super fun day. I think that Tristan is really enjoying being a big brother and having a little cousin too. He is great with the babies and likes to play with them and take pictures of them. Happy birthday Tristan!

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