Sunday, August 11, 2013

Fun Day and a Bridal Shower

Clarita attended her first bridal shower for Tia Laurie on Saturday. It was given by Russell's side of the family and we finally got to meet all these "cousins' Russell always talks about (most of whom are not actually related to him). Clara was a big hit in her super cute frilly outfit (thanks Tia Biffy!). She was very good and even took a nap while Laurie opened presents. Clara got to meet Russell's sister-in-law, Jenny, for the first time and of course loved her!
Clara loved Jenny


After the shower Clara and I headed home to get ready and pick up Dada for Fun Day! For eight years our friends have been having Fun Day each summer and it consists of games, drinking, and lots of yummy food. Since this was the eighth Fun Day the theme was 80s. Clara was really excited for her first dress up party and decided to be a Cabbage Patch Kid. She wore one of my outfits from the 80s complete with plastic bloomers, and Tia Laurie made her awesome "hair" out of yarn and a head band. Clarita thought her hair was pretty cool because she could chew on it and pull it.

This Fun Day was a little different because for the first time there were a ton of kids ranging in age from four months to two years. In the past, Fun Day has tended to be a little crazy (it usually begins with a beer hunt), but I thought that this year was perfect. It was still super fun, but a little more mellow and without any drama. It was really cool seeing all of the kids and knowing that they are going to grow up looking forward to Fun Day. Pretty soon we're going to need kid events...maybe they can hide the beer for the beer hunt!:)
Blue Team

Green team (Clara wanted to be on both)

For some reason the only other picture I took was of Jon, Reedcito, Sarah,
and baby #2...maybe because Reedcito was so cute in his 80s outfit
Clara was very good, sleeping when she was tired and getting passed around. We finally left around 11:00 PM and she immediately fell asleep in the car and didn't wake up until 7:30 the next morning! I'd say her first Fun Day was a success!

Passed out with Dada

She woke up right after this picture and was obsessed with
Drew's blue nose, she had blue all over her fingers

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