Sunday, August 25, 2013

Five Months

This month has really flown by. Partly, perhaps, because I went back to work, partly because we have been so busy. It seems like everyone we know is either getting married or having a baby. This makes for a lot of celebrations! Clara has attended bridal showers, baby showers, and will soon attend her first wedding. As much fun as we’re having celebrating all of our friends and family members, it will be nice when things slow down and we can relax.

Meeting Trudy

Meeting Ushie (probably spelled incorrectly)

Meeting Kennieth

 Clarita has not seemed to mind that I am at work all day and don't spend as much time with her. Clara absolutely loves my mom and often when I am saying bye to her before work she is more interested in smiling at La Abuelita than saying bye to me. Although it makes me sad to leave her, I'm glad that she has adjusted well and that she continues to love all people. I hope she continues to be super easy going and people loving.

First day back at work :(

But Clara got to stay with Dada! :)

The little Wiggle has really changed a lot this past month. She continues to be really happy and now laughs up a storm. All you have to do is smile at her or make a funny sound and she starts laughing! She has also begun rolling all over. She can really move around the floor by rolling and scooting. Gone are the days of leaving her unattended on the bed or changing table!

We think that Clara has started teething. We still can’t see any teeth, but she has been having fussy spurts which correspond to a need to bite and chew everything. I bought her some different teethers and she really seems to like these and they soothe her.

Pool Fun with the Mimuras

I've started putting Clarita in the Bumbo chair in the shower with me if she’s fussy when I need to take a shower. My friend Denae came up with this great idea for her son Connor. When she told me about it I knew that it would be a perfect way for me to take a relaxing shower (well more relaxing than with Clara crying). Clara loves it! She likes to look up at the water as it hits her. I usually wash her off when I am done and hold her up to the stream of water to rinse her off. She thinks it is really fun and laughs.

Petting Fuzzball with Tio Chino

Riding Fuzzball with Dada

Now that I’m working, Clarita drinks mainly from bottles. I still nurse her when I’m home, but gave her a bottle at a shower last weekend. I didn't realize that she connects bottles to eating until I witnessed her response to the bottle. Upon seeing it, she immediately started reaching for it and whimpering the same way she does with me when I am about to nurse her. It was interesting to watch and realize that she’s learning to associate different things with their functions.
The Johnsons

Happy with Great Grandpa

Clarita's Stats

Weight: 13.8 pounds
Height: 26 inches
Head Circumference: 42 centimeters

What Clara Wears

3 month outfits are getting pretty tight and she’s starting to wear 3-6 and 6 month outfits

Things Clara Loves

Mama and Dada, nursing and bottles, going for walks, getting undressed and having naked baby time, her "soothie" pacifiers (especially her monito and Bevo), snuggling, baths, baby exercises, the miracle swaddling blanket, car rides, the Baby Bjorn, the rain forest play mat, reading books, sitting in the Bumbo chair while mommy and daddy eat, massages, being a baby airplane, meeting new people, ceiling fans, drooling, the exersaucer, tummy time, swimming, people, taking showers with Mommy in the Bumbo, playing with her toys, her teethers, rolling all over the floor

Things Clara Does Not Love

Waiting, going to sleep when she’s overly tired, having a new diaper put on

How Clarita Sleeps

Clarita continues to sleep off and on throughout the day as she sees fit usually with at least one long nap in the morning or afternoon (sometimes both). We stopped swaddling her this month and started putting her in a sleep sack. Sometimes it worked great and sometimes it did not and she cried angrily and took half an hour to get to sleep. A couple of times she woke up in the middle of the night and had to be swaddled in order to go back to sleep (twice I even nursed her because she got so upset it was the easiest way to calm her down). Clara flails so much that she wakes herself up (usually a pacifier puts her right back to sleep) or can’t fall asleep. We’re still working on this problem and hoping she improves. She’s spoiled us with her great sleep that we don’t know what to do with ourselves now that she’s been waking up during the night!


Baby Butter, Clarita, Snugglepuff, Snuggles, Wiggles, Baby/Bebe, Bambina, Sapita, Munchkin, Drool Monster, Birthday Twin (from Tio Chino)

Monthly Exciting Events

August 14, 2013: Clara rolls completely over (back to front to back)
August 11, 2013: Clara's first time hitting a piƱata
August 10, 2013: Clara watches her first triathlon
August 8, 2013: Clara rolls over from back to front
August 7: 2013: Clara sits up unassisted!
August 3, 2013: First bridal shower and first FUN DAY!
July 29: Graduates from the bassinet to the Pack 'N Play
July 28, 2013: Clara's first "shower" in the Bumbo Seat with Mama
July 27: First time sleeping in the sleep sack instead of being swaddled
July 22: Mommy goes back to work :( (unexciting event)

Monthly Pictures

Five Months!

She discovered that she can pull her headbands...

See, she's not always happy

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