Thursday, September 5, 2013

Un Dia de la Vida de Clarita

I haven't written one of these in awhile since I'm not home with Clara anymore during the week and the weekends always seem crazy. I was home with her on August 23, 2013 and this is what our day looked like.

6:08: I wake her up and do a diaper change and nurse her
6:25: Clara falls asleep nursing so I swaddle her up hoping that will make her sleep longer and put her back in her Pack n Play
9:05: I see her stirring on the baby monitor but let her play while I finish planting flowers (she never sleeps this long she must know that I have a million things to do to get ready for Tia Laurie's shower)
9:15: Do a diaper change and nurse
9:36: Time to get ready for our day (tame her pelo loco and get dressed)
9:45: We play on the floor

10:30: The housekeepers arrive so we go for a walk to the grocery store and Clara falls asleep right away missing her chance to say hi to Sarah and Reedcito who we see at the store

11:30: Get home right as Dada does and Clarita wakes up. Dada does a diaper change and they hang out
11:45: Clarita plays in the exersaucer while we eat and then practices petting the cats with Dada

12:20: Nurse and diaper change
12:40: I put her on the floor for naked baby play time and she poops everywhere (this has never happened before, she has only pooped out of her diaper once before when she was teeny). Luckily I had just started a load of diapers so I throw the blanket in too!

1:00:Needless to say bath time follows since she's a disaster (but very happy even covered in poop)
Practicing her leg lifts

1:20: The little Wiggle seems tired so I put her in the stroller and we go outside so I can clean the outside bathroom. We do a couple laps in the stroller before she passes out.

2:55: Someone's wide awake so we do a diaper change, she plays, and nurses
3:30: Clarita plays in the exersaucer while I shower
3:45: Clara decides that she only wants to be held and cries while I get ready
4:00: I put her in the car seat and she screams like she's being tortured. I take her out thinking something is hurting her and she stops because she's so tired and wants me to hold her. I put her back in and the screaming stops once I pick the car seat up. Clarita falls asleep in car on the way to church to meet Stacy to pick up tables and chairs for the shower.
5:00: Tia Laurie picks Wiggle up so Stacy and I can decorate and get everything ready for the shower

I forgot to document the rest of our night once Laurie brought her home so here is an excerpt from September 3, 2013, a typical week night once I get home:

5:45: Meet La Abuelita at church to pick Wiggle up (ok this isn't typical, I usually get home at 5:30 and Clara is there, but my mom had a meeting tonight). She says that Clarita was an "angel baby" today! Clara plays with her monito azul on the ride home.
6:15: Get home and are greeted with yummy smells from the dinner Dada is cooking. Snuggles with Mama and Dada

6:25: Clarita plays on the floor in her room (one of her favorite places) while I put away her clothes and pack for our upcoming trip
Who needs toys when you have cardboard?

6:50: Hang out in the Bumbo and play with her spoon while Mama and Dada eat
Practicing for when she gets to eat solid food

I want that food!

7:08: Nurse/diaper change/baby exercises
7:24: Go for a family walk, Clara falls asleep halfway through

8:10: Get home, Clarita wakes up and helps Mama water the plants on the porch

8:32: Baby massage/naked baby time/diaper change
8:49: Nurse 
9:01: Get ready for bed
9:15: Read with Dada

9:25: Get into her sleep sack, besitos, and go into the Pack n Play where she fusses until I give her a stuffed penguin. She then proceeds to "talk" to her pinguino (probably telling her all the fun she had with La Abuelita)

9:45: All is quiet, Clarita is out for the night and doesn't wake up until 6:15 the next morning!

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