Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Ten Months

This month Clarita has really seemed to change a lot. She now seems more like a little girl than a baby. She is really starting to understand things and amazes us with how quickly she learns. Clara has discovered that she can play peek a boo by holding blankets over her face and then pulling them down, this is now one of her favorite games! She also loves to wave and will usually wave on command in English and Spanish. Clara spent much of our plane ride waving to people and playing peek a boo over and around the seats. Needless to say, she made a lot of new friends!

Clara continues to be super happy and inquisitive. She is into everything and requires a keen eye on her at all times. She loves to crawl full speed after the cats and pet them (she's actually pretty gentle) and lay on them. Baza lets her, Spikey usually runs away. Clara also loves to walk holding on to her walker, someone's hands, or walls. She is getting good at walking with assistance, but still too wobbly to walk on her own.

Clara did wonderfully on our super long trip to and from Michigan. We were so impressed with her ability to stay happy and take naps a midst tons of noise and people. She really is such a good baby and has spoiled us rotten. She adjusted well to the three hour time change going both directions too. I'm glad she is so flexible.


Clara had her first little sickness this month. She had a mild fever (101) and was congested. The little Wiggle didn't really seem too bothered by it. She was a little clingier than normal, and didn't eat as much, but still wanted to play. It was right before our trip to Michigan which made us nervous, but it only lasted a day and Clara was ready to travel.

Sleeping with Dada when she was sick
Clarita has developed quite the little personality and is very stubborn. She has definite likes and dislikes and lets these be known. Clara doesn't cry often but when she does it is loud and sounds like she is being murdered...more like a pterodactyl scream (or what I imagine one would sound like)! She's getting to be so fun!

Clarita's Stats

Weight: 16 pounds (apparently she lost weight)
Height:  27.5 inches 
Head Circumference:  17 inches

What Clara Wears

Clara wears 9 month clothes. The pajamas are still too big and she trips over her feet. She wore disposable diapers in Michigan and everything was too big without her giant cloth diapers!

Things Clara Loves

Mama and Dada, nursing, going for walks, naked baby time, her "soothie" pacifiers (especially her monito and Bevo), car rides, the Baby Bjorn, her pouch, reading books, being a baby airplane, drooling, people, taking showers in the Bumbo, playing with her toys, her teethers, animals (especially her cats), eating, playing peek a boo, anything with a rough/bumpy texture, cardboard, paper, crawling full speed ahead, standing up, walking with her walker, empty bottles, phones, remote controls, brushing her "teeth", running up and down the stairs with Mama, Baby Signing Time DVD

Things Clara Does Not Love

Waiting, going to sleep when she’s overly tired, being told "no", having her face or nose wiped, having things taken away from her

How Clarita Sleeps

Clara continues takes an hour and half to two hour nap around 10:00 and another around 3:00 (at least when I'm in charge...) She goes to bed between 8:30 and 9:00. Clarita sleeps in her sleep sack in her crib. She sometimes falls right to sleep and other times cries for a couple of minutes before putting her pacifier back in and falling asleep. I wake her up around 6:45 to get her ready when she goes to Kevin's parents' house, but on days she doesn't have to leave early she wakes up between 7:15 to 7:30.


Clarita, Snugglepuff, Snuggles, Wiggle, Baby/Bebe, Sapita, Munchkin, Drool Monster, Birthday Twin, Monkey Butt (thanks Grandpa)

What Clara Eats

Clara has decided that she does not want baby food (aka purees) anymore and refuses to eat them which makes things difficult since she still doesn't have teeth. She will eat pretty much anything if she can feed herself or it is in chunks. Some new foods she tried this month are artichoke hearts, chicken, cucumber, Indian food, Chinese food, Mexican food, lasagna, pear, Ebelskivers, turnips (not a big fan), shrimp, peanut butter, teething crackers, Lil Crunchies, peach, pecans, pesto, and spinach. This little baby can eat and usually eats so much everyone swears that she will throw up (which she has never done)! I don't know how she stays so tiny.  She also tried Mangoes and loves them and Blueberries which she became a little obsessed with and would eat and eat and eat and if you took them away she would cry.  She also ate a whole slice of a fried banana roll on Shannon's birthday and loved it!

Monthly Exciting Events

January 15, 2014: Clara starts playing peek a boo on her own
January 12, 2014: Clara's first time in the snow
January 11, 2014: Clara's first trip to Michigan to visit Grandpa Bill, Grandma Peggy amd Great Gandpa
January 10, 2014: Clara's first plane ride (she did wonderfully!)
January 1, 2014: The fake coughing begins
December 21, 2013: First bath in a big bath tub
December 20, 2013: First time in Las Vegas (she loved all of the lights)!

Monthly Pictures

It's pretty impossible to get pictures of her sitting anymore

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