Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Happy New Year! and Christmas Round Two

Clara had a busy first New Year! We headed to Jon and Sarah's on New Year's Eve for a nice mellow celebration. Reedcito and Connor were already asleep when we got there but Kieran was up and ready to party! Clara had fun playing with all of Reedcito's toys as well as with the adults. She liked to pet Kieran (I think she thinks babies are like cats) and even offered to share her toys with him (by dropping them on his head). Kieran finally went to bed and I tried to get Clara to sleep around 10:00 in the Pack N Play but she would have none of it. The little party animal stayed up until 10:45! She finally fell asleep in her car seat while the girls played a rambunctious game of Catch Phrase. The noise didn't seem to bother Clarita and she slept right through the New Year's countdown and celebration. Clarita woke up as we were leaving to say goodbye and then fell back asleep for the three minute drive home. She woke up when we got home and did not want to go back to sleep. After both of us attempted to rock her to sleep only to have her wake up as soon as she hit the crib and scream, we just let her cry. After five minutes she grabbed her pacifier and was out until 8:00 AM the next morning.

Trying to share toys with Kieran


Snuggles with Natalie

And she's out!

Growing up, Kevin's family rang in the new year with a Scandinavian breakfast of Ebelskivers (picture a pancake ball). This tradition has fallen by the wayside and Kevin decided that he wanted to rekindle it this year. Since we live in Kingsburg, the Swedish Village, it seemed fitting that we hosted the breakfast. Tia Alyssa was sick, Tio Chino had his traditional Japanese soup breakfast, and Tio Robert and Tia Erika were still in Mexico so it was just Los Abuelos, La Abuelita, and Tia Laurie. Kevin made a great breakfast complete with Ebelskivers, a yummy egg casserole, and my mom made fruit salad. I did absolutely nothing (aside from get Clara ready) except relax and enjoy breakfast! Clarita loved the Ebelskivers, fruit, and egg making her first New Year's Day breakfast a success!
Making sure to get any pieces that fell in hr bib

Kevin and I have gone to the Suemoto's New Year's Day celebration since we first started dating. Tio Chino's family always has tons of food, including lots of sushi, and fun. We headed over earlier than normal this year so we could catch Tio Chino's brother and sister-in-law, Ryan and Jenny, before they had to head back to San Diego. Clara had fun playing with them. The little Wiggle was a huge hit with Tio Chino's young cousins. The kids took turns holding her and playing with her. It was so cute to watch Clara in the middle of a circle surrounded by kids ranging in age from 5 to 11! They were very careful with her and would order each other to be careful or to put a toy gun away because it wasn't good for the baby! His cousin Jackson decided that he really wanted a baby sister and even offered to change diapers if his mom would have one! Kevin has a tradition of shaving his hair into a Mohawk every New Year and this year was no exception. Clara thinks Dada is cool!

Jackson helping Clara walk

Nice Mohawk Dada!
When Tio Robert and Tia Erika got back from Mexico we had another Christmas celebration. Clara was more enthusiastic about opening presents this time around. She had fun pulling the paper (and eating it of course). Clara was really excited about a toy that her tios gave her and after opening it she really just wanted to play with it rather than open any more presents. Clarita got lots of good stuff including some Mexican dolls from Tia Erika and Tia Estefana. Clara also had fun rocking on the rocking horse that was my dad's when he was a little boy. It now lives at Tia Laurie's and Clarita gets to rock when she goes to visit.

Her new favorite toy

Rocking away

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