Monday, December 30, 2013

Clarita's First Christmas

We had a whirlwind couple of days celebrating Christmas. On Christmas Eve Clarita opened her presents from Grandpa Bill and Grandma Peggy who live in Michigan and couldn't celebrate with her. She thought it was fun to rip the paper, but once she could see the top of a toy just wanted to play with it. After her practice opening presents we headed to my mom's. We played some games (Clara helped) and hung out before dinner. My dad's mother was Italian and always made rigatoni on Christmas Eve when we were growing up. We have continued this tradition and always have pasta on Christmas Eve. After a yummy dinner we headed to church for the candlelight service. It is one of my favorite church services, especially when the lights are turned off, the candles are lit, and we sing silent night. Clara even got to help with the service by helping me to put out the candles at the end of the service. Clarita's little friend, Ryan, was at church and kept trying to kiss her hand (such a gentleman). Clara would pull her hand back and give him a dirty look each time. It was pretty hilarious!

What's in there?

Helping Tia choose the best card

Riding Tio Chino

Mmm Salmon and broccoli!

After church we headed back to my mom's house to open presents. Clara opened some of hers before church as we figured she would probably fall asleep on the way home and be out. She liked ripping the paper, but got distracted trying to eat a tiny piece of paper or trying to play with her new toys. She did fall asleep on the way home from church and slept through us opening presents. She woke up when I took her out of her car seat and was ready to go. Clara opened some more presents and played a little. It was difficult to get her to go back to sleep and I ended up just putting her in bed with us until she fell asleep. 

Clara woke up at 7:15 the next morning and played happily in her pack n play until we got up. Tio Chino and Tia Laurie were already awake anxiously awaiting us to get up so we could open stockings. Clara finished opening her presents and then opened her stocking. She loved reaching in and pulling things out. We ate breakfast, Clara enjoyed her french toast, eggs, and fruit, and then played some games before packing up. Tio Robert and Tia Erika were in Mexico with her family so we didn't get to spend Christmas with them. It was a little quieter than normal.

Walking is so fun!

Bed head!

Around noon we headed off to Kevin's parents' house with a very happy baby in tow (she had just taken a two hour nap). We got there and Clarita played a little while we waited for Tio Rene, Tia Alyssa, Tristan, and Teagan. We then ate a yummy lunch and opened presents. The girls weren't too sure about opening their own presents but they both helped to open some of mine. Clara opened two of mine all by herself and they both tore off strips of paper on a big one. Tristan was a good big brother/cousin and helped the girls open their presents. He also got them both little sock coin purses that he picked out all by himself!

Clara stood on this box for at least 20 minutes

Both babies eating wrapping paper

The best part of opening presents

Clarita and Teagan had a lot of fun eating the wrapping paper and playing with their toys. They always both wanted to play with whatever toy the other had and it was funny to watch them. Clara got a walker from Tio Chino and Tia Laurie that the girls had fun pushing and chewing on. Clara learned how to use it really quickly and was walking around by herself within an hour! 

We left los Abuelos around 7:00 and headed to Mason and Laura's to say a "quick" hello on our way home. Needless to say we started talking and doing a puzzle and next thing we knew it was almost 9:00! Clara had fun playing with Baby Eden and her play mat and snuggling with the aunties. We got home and she went straight to bed and was out in a second. I think Clara's first Christmas was a success!

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