Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Clarita's First Thanksgiving

We had a busy Thanksgiving weekend and Clarita loved every minute of it! We spent Thanksgiving Day at our house. Both of our families came over and we had a ton of food. The babies tried turkey and Clarita loved it, but Teagan wasn't so sure about it. It was fun watching Clara and Teagan play together. Clara has a “toy” phone that is one of Tio Chino’s old phones that Deyra used. She and Teagan fought over the phone all day. One would grab it and crawl away with it and the other one would follow behind and steal it back. We had a family photo shoot outside and tried to take some pictures of the kids with pumpkins. Clara thought it was really fun standing on the grass and eating the pumpkin stem but Teagan thought the grass was yucky and cried. We had a fun day complete with some football throwing with Tristan.
What? I'm not supposed to eat the whole pumpkin?

Playing with the phone

On Friday we went to Gruncle Tod and Grauntie Traci’s for appetizers and drinks with the cousins. It was a full house filled with kids and lots of fun! Clara had tons of fun playing with Ryland, petting Eden, and showing off all of her tricks. If nobody was paying attention to her, Clara would squeal at the top of her lungs until someone looked at her. Unfortunately I forgot to take any pictures except one of Eden and Clarita on my phone.
Eden is getting bigger...

We headed up to the cabin from Tod and Traci’s and Clarita slept the whole way and didn't even wake up when we put her to bed. Tio Rene, Tia Alyssa, Tristan, and Teagan came up Saturday afternoon and the girls had fun playing, aka fighting over toys. They had a tug of war when Clarita found Teagan’s favorite toy, Clara won that round but there were many more to follow.It's fun watching the girls together!
Eating in Dada's old highchair

It's never too early to instill good dental hygiene!

Practicing in case I ever have twins

Thanks for letting me borrow the warm bear suit Sarah!

I am a firm believer in decorating for Christmas the day after Thanksgiving. Since we weren't really around that day I had to settle for doing it on Sunday when we got home. We went straight to get a Christmas tree when we got home. Clara woke up right as we put the tree in the car and then "helped" me decorate the house. She thought decorating was really fun...she got to stand by the tubs and pull out things that she could chew on and play with! She also loved the lights that Dada put up. It was a great Thanksgiving weekend, the only bad part was that it went by way too quickly.

I want that bell!

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