Friday, December 13, 2013

Un Dia de la Vida de Clarita

It's been a couple of months since I wrote one of these...this is from December 9, 2013.

7:09: Wake Clarita up to see dada before he leaves for work.
7:10: Nurse.
7:19: Play with dada.
7:37: Diaper change and get dressed.
7:48: Play in the kitchen while I quickly get ready.
8:00: Head out to get my oil changed.
8:25: Arrive at Virgil's and get everything situated.
8:40: Brave the 28 degree weather (and the town of Dinuba) to go for a run. Clara falls asleep right away.

Warm and snuggly

9:23: Get back from our  run. Clara wakes up 5 minutes before we finish and emits some happy squeals. Pay for the car and talk to Virgil before taking off.
9:50: Head home.
10:05: Arrive at home and make a very late breakfast. (She normally eats between 8:00 and 8:30).
10:18: Eat breakfast of oatmeal, chia, cinnamon, and home grown berries. Clara is still hungry so she eats some homegrown apricots as well.

If it doesn't get all over the place it doesn't belong in your face!

10:35: Brush our teeth (or gums in Clara's case), shower, and get dressed.

11:16: Clara nurses and falls asleep.
11:24: Nap while I make lunch.

12:32: Dada wakes her up to play before he has to go back to work.

Sharing the cat food dishes with Dada

Practicing her yoga

12:45: Dada goes back to work and Clara plays with some bottles of oil while I clean up.

12:55: Lunch time for Clara of greek yogurt mixed with brussels sprouts, lentils with curry powder, and persimmons.

1:15: Diaper change.
1:22: Leer (that's right, we read in Spanish!).

Books are good to eat too!

1:34: We play with toys in her room.
1:45: Snuggle time (aka my attempt to make her go to sleep because I'm doesn't work).
2:05: Clara plays with some "toys" in the kitchen while I make cookies.

Look what I can do!

2:55: We play together practicing throwing her balls
3:15: Diaper change and nurse.
3:28: Wiggle takes a nap (I promised Tio Robert and Tia Erika a happy rested baby) while I make dinner for the babysitters and tidy up.
5:05: The baby monitor comes on and I see Clarita standing up in crib talking (I swear I had just checked it and she was still sleeping...) We hang out and play while we wait for Dada to get home from work.

She loves to bounce her balls

Flying on Mama's legs!

5: 22: Dada time while I get ready for the HMC Christmas party and get everything ready for Clara's babysitters.

Playing with Baza

Boxes and packaging materials make good toys
6:00: We head out for the party and Clara stays with her Tios for their first time babysitting! (I forgot to take a picture).
Since we were gone the rest of the night here is what our night looked like on December 11, 2013 (but no pictures):

5:30: I get home and am greeted with squeals as Clara watches me through the window in the door.
5:40: Clara nurses (she usually wants to nurse when I get home but only for a couple of minutes, this time she was actually hungry).
5:50: Pack Wiggle in the stroller and head "downtown" to meet Fafa and Abuela Sheri for dinner to celebrate Fafa's birthday.
6:00: Arrive at Sun Hong Kong and start feeding Clara her dinner of green beans, lentils with curry powder, persimmons, and apricot.
6:25: Clara finally finishes so I can eat. We forgot her cup so Dada feeds her water from his straw which she thinks is a really fun game and gets upset when he stops.
7:15: Walk to the store to get milk (we do this a couple of times per week and I'm sure the workers think we only buy milk).
7:45: Get home and do a diaper change.
8:00: Watch TV while Wiggle plays with her toys (the cardboard box and paper that our Christmas cards came in).
8:30: Nurse.
8:38: Diaper change, get ready for bed, read.
8:55: Clara goes in her crib, rolls over and falls asleep until I wake her up at 6:45 the next morning!

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