Tuesday, December 24, 2013

Nine Months

Clara has now been out of my stomach for as long as she was inside it! These past nine months have absolutely flown by. Clarita is getting more and more fun each day. She can now wave on command (to both English and Spanish commands) and loves to clap and bounce her balls. The little Wiggle is now everywhere and into everything, but there is never a dull moment! Now that Clara is mobile there is no stopping her. She goes 100 miles per hour all the time and is never still (she even moves all around in her sleep). If she is in the kitchen and sees something she wants in the living room she crawls full speed to get it. If we take our eyes off her for a second it is inevitable that she has found something to put in her mouth that she shouldn't (leaves, pine needles, paper). She loves to stand up and often lets go, standing by herself or a couple of seconds before plopping onto her butt. 

Climbing boxes is fun...

The little Wiggle continues to be super happy. I seriously don't think I have ever met a happier baby. Unless she is tired, bonks her head hard, or gets something she really likes taken away from her, Clara is usually smiling and laughing. She can go from super happy to screaming in 1.5 seconds if she doesn't get her way, but usually recovers quickly. She talks a mile a minute and I swear she's singing sometimes.

Clara still doesn't have any teeth but I know they're in there growing. She rubs everything on her gums and loves her teethers. My brother said that I willed her not to grow teeth so she wouldn't bite me so now I need to will her to grow them! She has a hippy amber teething necklace that she wears all the time which is supposed to make teething a painless process (I was very skeptical but decided to give it a try). My mom was watching Clarita one day and she just started screaming while she was playing for no reason. This happened a couple of times and she was inconsolable. My mom finally gave her teething tablets and she calmed down. When I got home I realized that she hadn't worn her necklace all day. I put it back on and she has been fine ever since...coincidence?

I have a friend who told me that babies don't develop personalities until they are two. I beg to differ. Clarita certainly has a personality and she is very strong willed (wonder where she got that from?)! She has definite likes and dislikes and lets them be known. My mom says that I was the same way and also never sat still. I think Kevin and I are destined to always be on our toes with this one! At least we're not bored.

Clara continues to love people and has not developed separation anxiety yet. If she is really tired or hungry she wants me if she can see me, but if I am out of her sight she is fine. She doesn't care when I leave in the mornings, just waves adios and goes about her business. Hopefully she stays this way.

Clara attended her first Fresno State game this month and her first tailgate! She had fun, but was too distracted by all the people to eat much or sleep during the tailgate. She screamed when I tried to get her to take a nap during the tailgate, but then fell asleep right away in her pouch during the game and slept for over an hour. All the noise and cheering didn't seem to bother her. She even helped Dada shotgun a beer!

Watching the game

Third down thunder can't wake her!

Big Peanut is so fun!

Ali's hair is pretty!

Clara can't wait to play with Lee's twins!

Hanging out with Brooke!
Clara also met baby Kieran, Reedcito's new little brother. She was pretty indifferent towards Kieran but had a lot of fun playing with Reedcito and Connor. Connor was giving her kisses and she stuck out her tongue and tried to lick his mouth...I think this means she likes him!

Clarita's Stats

Weight: 16.4 pounds  
Height:  27 inches (measured standing up by her growth chart)
Head Circumference: 17 inches

What Clara Wears

She has finally started wearing 9 month outfits (mainly because her smaller outfits are summery). She still fits in most of her 6 month stuff but they are getting snug and the pants are turning into capris. This is partly due to her giant cloth diaper which may fit her well when she's 2...

Things Clara Loves

Mama and Dada, nursing and bottles, going for walks, naked baby time, her "soothie" pacifiers (especially her monito and Bevo), car rides, the Baby Bjorn, her pouch, reading books, being a baby airplane, drooling, people, taking showers in the Bumbo, playing with her toys, her teethers, animals (especially her cats), eating solid food, playing peek a boo with Dada, anything with a rough/bumpy texture, cardboard, paper, the jumperoo, crawling, standing up, empty bottles, phones, remote controls, brushing her "teeth", running up and down the stairs with Mama

Things Clara Does Not Love

Waiting, going to sleep when she’s overly tired, being told "no", having her face or nose wiped, having things taken away from her

How Clarita Sleeps

Clara generally takes an hour and half to two hour nap around 10:00 and another around 3:00 (at least when I'm in charge...) She goes to bed between 8:30 and 9:00. Clarita sleeps in her sleep sack in her crib. She usually falls right to sleep. I now have to wake her up around 6:45 to get her ready for the day. She always wakes up happy!


Clarita, Snugglepuff, Snuggles, Wiggle, Baby/Bebe, Sapita, Munchkin, Drool Monster, Birthday Twin

What Clara Eats

Clara continues to love most foods. Some new foods she tried this month are cauliflower, broccoli, corn tortillas, black beans, quinoa, apricots, oatmeal, blackberries, pancakes, french toast, persimmons, refried beans, and turkey. She loves to feed herself and will eat almost anything as long as she gets to feed herself. Now she just needs some teeth so this will be easier! The only foods that Clarita doesn't really like are brussels sprouts and refried beans. She will eat a bite or two and then refuse unless they are mixed with Greek yogurt. Clara will now look at food and decide if she wants to eat it or not (before she would lick it to decide). I ran out of blackberries and mixed apricots in her oatmeal and she refused to eat it at first because it looked different.

Monthly Exciting Events

November 28, 2013: Clara stops being a vegetarian
November 26, 2013: Clara's first kiss (thanks Connor)!
November 22, 2013: Clara's first tailgating and football game!

Monthly Pictures

What a face!

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