Friday, December 27, 2013

Vegas or Bust!

We took a trip to Las Vegas to see Fresno State play in the Royal Purple Las Vegas Bowl (what a name for a college bowl game). We left on Friday, December 20, 2013 with the Wiggle in tow (who doesn't bring their nine month old baby to Vegas?). My friends, Vince and Mikael who I went to high school and college with, came with us. The trip to Vegas was pretty uneventful. Clara didn't cry once! Mikael and I sat by her and she thought it was pretty fun to play with us. She took two naps and was better behaved than the boys (no farting or spitting on pigeons).

We stayed in the Hard Rock Hotel (the "team hotel") and Clarita thought the room was pretty fun. She crawled around standing anywhere she could, played with magazines, and played with the drawer handles. She even took her first bath in a big bath tub which she thought was pretty fun.

Mikael is pretty fun!

Clara was a trooper the entire trip. She fell asleep at dinner the first night so I took her up to our room while Kevin and the boys went out. She played a little, nursed, read a story, and went right to sleep. I took a bath and relaxed. This was the first time I've been to Vegas as an adult where I didn't drink, bring heels, or bring make-up. I must say, it was a nice, relaxing experience!

The game was on Saturday and we headed out around 9:30 with Michael Toms and Dave (we traded them for Mikael and Vince who were still in bed) and a sleeping baby in tow, for some tailgating. Our friend Fernando and his friends put on an awesome tailgate with tons of food. Clara loved all of the people and played on her blanket. She of course made quite a few new friends! Clara nursed and we headed into the game.

Tailgating is the best!

 Unfortunately, the Bulldogs played terribly and USC won 45 - 20. We were really hoping for a better game from Fresno but had fun nonetheless. Clarita played with Mikael's sister Ashlea, with his mom (honorary grandma) Penni, and with his nephews Derek and Ryan (they thought she was fun). She had a great time giving Vince and Mikael high fives and watching the game. Clara even took an hour long nap in her pouch during the game.

Watching the game with Ashlea
Nap time

That night we went to the strip and Clara was mesmerized by all the lights and people. We went to Bellagio and saw the fountains and Christmas decorations and ate at Planet Hollywood. Clara just stared at the decorations and squealed at the fountain show.  Clarita was super tired since she only took a half hour nap after the game but she was a trooper. She was very happy in her pouch looking at everything and finally fell asleep on the walk back to the hotel. She woke up and played a little when we got back and then fell right to sleep.

Clara got to experience her first Vegas buffet at the Bellagio Sunday morning! She did a good job eating eggs, yams, and omelet. She made a ton of new friends since we were sitting right in the middle of the restaurant. We lost Mikael and Vince for the ride home and weren't sure how the little Wiggle would do solo in the back seat. She fell asleep immediately and slept for two hours. She woke up and we stopped and nursed and then she played for awhile in her car seat. She finally started getting tired and hungry so I sat with her and fed her a squeeze pouch (really great for traveling!) and played with her. We stopped again to change her and nurse and then she fell asleep again until we got home. All in all she did a great job on the six plus hour drive and I think her first trip to Vegas was a success!

Do I have to eat all of that?

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