We normally go to the cabin for Dada Day weekend, but Dada signed up to do a crazy swim called the Catfish Crawl that happened to fall on Dada Day weekend. So we headed up to Fremont on Friday after work. Clara had taken a late morning nap so we hoped that she would just take her afternoon nap in the car. It was her first time in her big girl car seat and she was really excited about it! She slept for a little over an hour and then was content to play with her toys until we arrived in Gilroy for dinner. She refused to eat Kevin's hamburger but liked my grilled cheese (that's right Clara, meat is gross). The little Wiggle was not too happy to be put back in the car, and was anxious to get out by the time we got to Fremont. It was already 9:00 PM by the time we checked into our hotel so we took showers (Clara really liked this), played a little, nursed and went to bed.

Someone woke up ready to go at 6:15 on Saturday so we packed up, ate a little breakfast, and headed out to the swim. Dada's friends Brian and Phil also participated in the swim so we met them at the park. Tyler, Brian's five-year-old son, was also there and he hung out with Clara and I while the guys swam. Tyler was so very sweet to Clarita. He followed her around when she ran away, helped her with her snacks, and even shared his shells with her. He never once got upset with her, not even when she took all of the shells and feathers that he had found!
Tyler was very proud of his feather |
Most mismatched outfit ever (there's a striped shirt under
that polka dot jacket)! |
This is what happens when dads are in charge...
two kids and no dads in sight! |
The original reason Dada wanted to do this swim was the option of swimming 2.4 miles (I know, who wants to swim that far) followed by a 1.2 mile swim an hour later. I checked the race website a couple days before the swim to see where this place was and noticed that this swim option was no longer listed and that both swims began at the same time. Kevin e-mailed the race director but got no response. Brian finally sent some emails and made some calls and found out that they had taken away this option. An email was sent out at 6:00 PM the day before the race notifying swimmers of this and giving them the option to do both swims back to back if they so desired...pretty poor planning. I encouraged Dada to just do the 2.4 mile swim but he was determined to do both! Turns out it was a good choice. He placed third overall in the 1.2 mile swim and fifth in the 2.4 mile category (after just swimming 1.2 miles)! Dada could have placed first in the 1.2 mile category but he went around a buoy as instructed while the two people who beat him did not. We were very proud of Dada and his awesomely fast swimming. We got tired just watching him!
1.2 miles down, 2.4 to go! |
Dada, Brian, and Phil |
After the swim we all had breakfast and then headed on our separate ways. In order to entice me to go to the swim Dada promised a trip to the Winchester Mystery House, somewhere I have wanted to go for quite some time. This is a pretty crazy house that was built by Sarah Winchester heiress to the Winchester gun fortune. After her infant daughter and husband died she became a bit eccentric and believed that she had to build a house that could never be finished. There are stairs that go to nowhere, doorways that open to the air or a wall, and many other oddities. Although I don't think Clara was too impressed with the house, she really liked all the people. She did well during our hour long tour even though she was super tired since she only had a tiny morning nap. Clara fell asleep the minute we got in the car and slept for a whopping 2.5 hours until we got back to Fresno and woke her up to buy a present for Fafa!

On Sunday we headed to the cabin to celebrate Dada Day with Dada's family. Clarita enjoyed playing with Teagan and Tristan, playing outside in the dirt, and of course eating lots of food. We got a bit of a late start because Clarita did not want to wake up. I finally woke her up at 8:00 and we made it up for a late breakfast (or second breakfast for Clara). It was a nice relaxing day celebrating Dada and Fafa.

Clarita and I are lucky to have such a good Dada in our lives. He loves that little Wiggle so much and really enjoys spending time with her. Dada comes home for lunch when Abuelita watches Clara so he can play with her, and loves the "fiestas" they have when I am out of town for work or have something to do at night. I have never heard Dada complain about having to watch Clarita when I have to do something and he gets sad if he has to work late and doesn't get to spend time with her. Clara loves her Dada too and the silly games they play and splurps he gives her after shower time! We're so very blessed to have such an amazing Dada!
She loves her Dada |
Dadas squared |
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