Monday, June 9, 2014

Un Dia en la Vida de Clarita

It has been awhile since I wrote one of these. I have been waiting for a day when we stayed home and I finally realized that will never happen and that it is not a normal day for us anyway since we are always on the go. So here is a glimpse into Clarita's life on Memorial Day, May 26, 2014.

7:23: Dada spies movement on the baby monitor and gets Clarita up so he can say bye to her before he leaves for work.
7:30: Dada leaves and Clara nurses
7:45: A diaper check shows that Clara is dry (she is often dry when she wakes up) so I let her run around playing while I finish vacuuming.
8:00: The little Wiggle is signing eat and whining so she eats breakfast consisting of half a peach and half a slice of toast with almond butter (she likes to lick the almond butter off then eat the toast or better yet, trade it for my uneaten toast complete with almond butter)

Look at that pelo loco!
8:25: Shower in the Bumbo - Clarita decides that she does not want to get back in the Bumbo after getting rinsed off so she sits outside of it in the tub and splashes in the water that collects in the seat. She also tries to stand up and looks like a newborn deer with wobbly little legs sliding out from under her. The shower ends with her peeing and pooping in the tub.

9:00: We get dressed and ready for the day..quickly since we are running late for Tio Robert's birthday brunch.

Trying to climb into her crib to get her pacifier
9:20: We're out the door to pick up Dada.

9:45: We arrive at la casa de los tios. Clarita is super excited to see the dogs and spends a lot of time stading next to their pen signing dog and saying woof woof.

10:00: For her second breakfast Clara eats fruit and french toast.

10:20: While we eat pie, Clarita spends some more time playing with the dogs and letting them lick her hands. Tia Erika finds some giant chalk for Clara to play with. She is more interested in throwing it than drawing with it. Clara has fun playing with balls with her tias.

Birthday pie!

11:18: It'sway past nap time so we do a diaper change and say adios.

11:30: We're all packed up and hit the road.

11:35: The exhausted little Wiggle is asleep.
12:05: After dropping Dada off we get home and I transfer Clara to her crib. I do laundry, clean floors, and even manage to get in a short nap since Clara sleeps so long (this is not a normal nap).
2:39:  The Wiggle finally wakes up and eat peanuts with Dada followed by a grilled cheese sandwich and kiwi.

3:33: She is finally done eating so we do a diaper change and put on her swim suit. While she is running around naked she pees on the floor which she thinks is really funny (I do not think it is as funny).

3:55: We are finally ready to go swimming. Clarita had not been in the pool since last year but she was not hesitant at all. She practically jumped in the water and squealed with delight as she floated around in her floaty. She also loved running along the steps and climbing in and out of the pool. She cried when I took her out of the pool area.

4:35: Clara finally decides that she can be happy playing outside with the cat water dish. She also discovers that she can climb onto the bench by the garage and spends a lot of time climbing up, sitting there very proud, getting down, and repeating.

5:00: Clara and I  rinse off in the outside shower. She thinks it is pretty fun because she can stand on the shower floor and play with the water. I highly recommend iplay swim diapers because Clara's is full of poop and none of it leaks out!

5:20: We head inside for a snack of freshly picked blackberries.

5:30: Clarita alternates between sitting calmly watching Baby Signing Time and running around playing.

6:00: Dinner time. Clarita eats kiwi, oatmeal with blackberries, chia, and cinnamon, greek yogurt, garlic bread, and her bunny graham crackers for dessert.
6:15: Clara signs all done and sits in her high chair coloring while we finish eating.

6:30: Clara plays with "toys" (aka she puts things from the bathroom in the hiking baby backpack)while we clean up. Since she's tired she even decides to snuggle with me on the beanbag.

6:50: Do a quick diaper change.
7:00: We walk to store with a stop at the park on the way home to swing.

This is her swinging face

7:43: We get home and Clarita is super tired since she only took one nap. She is fussy and signs eat so she nurses.
7:50: Clara finishes nursing and signs all done. We do a diaper change and she gets ready for bed.

Mini hurricane Clarita
8:14: Dada and I  read stories to Clarita.

8:20: Clarita goes to bed and is asleep immediately.

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