Saturday, July 12, 2014

Circus Fun

The Ringling Brothers and Barnum and Bailey Circus was in town for their annual shows so we of course took the little Wiggle. Kevin and I have gone to the circus every year since we have been together, except when we were in Honduras and this was Clara's third circus. I think it's safe to say that this was also her favorite circus mainly due to the fact that she actually understood what the animals were and realized what was happening. Tia Laurie and Tio Chino also love the circus (well Tia Laurie loves it, Tio Chino tolerates it) and accompanied us as usual.

Before the circus we took Clara to see the animals and she very excitedly signed any of the animals that she knew and made the sounds associated with them. She then proceeded to talk nonstop in her alien language presumably telling us all about what she saw!

Hola Tigre!

We headed inside for the pre-show and got to go into the VIP tent where we got to take a picture with a couple of the circus performers (which they actually gave us both a hard and digital copy of), go into the motorcycle cage, stand on the ringmaster platform, and see some of the animals including an elephant. Clarita loved this and was extra excited about the free popcorn she got to eat!

The dog ate Clarita! (This was perhaps her favorite part of the circus)

All of the circus showings were either during one of Clara's nap times or bed time. We opted for the late show knowing that she can usually ignore being tired in the evening as long as there are a lot of distractions. The show did not start until 7:00 and Clara was tired from her long weekend and lack of morning nap due to church. As long as there was a lot of action she did great, but when there was a lull she became a little antsy. She also insisted on sitting on my lap the entire time and cried if I tried to give her to someone else, signs of a tired Wiggle.

Popcorn, her second favorite part of the circus!

Watching the elephant paint

During the show, Clara signed all of the things that she knew the signs for and make lots of sounds. Some of her favorites included the motorcycles, dogs, horses, elephants, and anything with a lot of lights. I'm already excited for next year when she will understand everything more (and when Frijolita will be there too!)

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