Tio Chino and Tia Laurie threw a welcome home/going away party for our friends Mikael and Erin. They just came back from Virginia and then Mikael deployed a week later. We were very excited to see them and to meet their new baby Jeffrey! Clara was unimpressed by Jeffrey but thought that Reedcito was really fun and wanted to follow him around. I don't think he was as impressed with her, especially when she took toys he was playing with. Kierito and Eden enjoyed some serious flirting as well!
Their faces say it all, Clara loves Reed and Reed wishes she would leave him alone |
We also got to meet sweet baby Lyla, our friends Chelsea and Drew's new little baby. Clarita was thoroughly unimpressed by her as well, but did really enjoy pushing Lyla's swing. She also liked playing with all of Lyla's new toys and chasing Waffle the cat. I enjoyed cuddling with sweet baby Lyla!
Then there's baby Jack, Michael and Megan's baby whom Clara and I met when he was a week old. Highlights of that visit include Clara throwing a ball (a soft baby ball but still) at Jack's face (he was rather startled) and Clara requesting milk to which Megs obliged and Clara downed an entire cup of milk in record time! We went back for another visit with Jack so Dada could meet him as well. Clara was a little more interested in Jack this time and would sign baby and then pat his little head. She really liked their two little dogs and chased them around squealing when they licked her.
We had fun with los primos at Zoobilation. Highlights of that trip include Teagan getting her entire face licked by a giraffe (she didn't think it was as funny as I did) and Clara sitting in Teagan's stroller with her while stealing her puffs. We also got to throw a carrot to the elephant (Clarita tried to eat it several times before we got to the elephant and then wasn't sure she wanted to part with it) and feed a giraffe (Clara kept sticking the lettuce out then laughing when the giraffe tried to eat it and pulling it back).
I have to give these carrots away? |
We went to Ryan's second birthday party down by the river. He loves mud and the outdoors so there was even a mud run (for the kids and adults). Clara had fun on the mud run and tried to push an older boy out of her way when he wasn't moving fast enough for her! She loved playing in the dirt and swimming in the river. We had to forcefully take her out of the river and it involved back arching and lots of screaming!
Bri cut Clara's, Abuelita's and my hair and although Clarita wasn't super excited about her haircut, she had so much fun playing with Daylynn! Clara thought Daylynn was so cool and Daylynn was so great with Clara! Clara was not as impressed by baby Cambria and hit her when Cambria tried to play with a toy that Clara wanted. This was a first and I had to have a little talking to with Miss Clara. At one point Bri handed Cambria to me while I was holding Clara. Clara immediately started crying which startled Cambria who also started crying. Clarita then looked at Cambria like she was crazy and stopped crying. It was a pretty funny little sequence.
We ended our super fun friend month with a trip to Shaver with the Miltons. Emily had an open water water polo tournament which Kevin was pretty interested to see. I love the Miltons so I am always interested to see them! While Emily was playing Sophia played with Clara and the little Wiggle gave her a run for her money. Clara is never still and ran all over the beach with Sophia trailing behind her. When they got too far away for Sophie's comfort, she would attempt to pick Clara up or steer her back towards us. This was met with a loud complaint and a head shake no. Sophia eventually got Clara to run back to us and then Clarita decided it was time to go in the lake. She and Sophie had fun splashing around and playing with a giant ball. We headed back to the cabin where the Milton's were staying and Clara spent the rest of the afternoon running around with the girls. She was also really interested in the fish that Ethan caught and kept running over to look at it and sign fish.
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Fish! |
Trying to give Sophie splurps |
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