Tuesday, September 2, 2014

Fun With Fafa

Abuela Sheri has been on vacation for the past couple of weeks so we have been spending lots of time with Fafa so he doesn't get too lonely! We went up to the cabin the last two weekends of August with him.  

Clarita had lots of fun playing with Fafa and her animalitos and giving them besitos. She woke up in the mornings saying "Fafa" and was anxious to say good morning to him! Fafa even made us dinner on both Fridays since we came up after work. It was perfect!

The first trip we went on a hike to Mitchell Peak. It was only three miles each way but a climb of 2300 feet! We forgot the hiking backpack so I carried Clarita the entire time in the regular carrier on my back. Dada gets way too hot and sweaty so I did not want to subject her to that! I felt like a weeny since I was super tired. Then when we hiked back down and I saw just how steep it was, I felt a little better! Clara did great on the hike and liked playing on the rocks at the top. The 360 degree view at the summit was amazing!

Diaper change at the top of Mitchell Peak

Although Fafa usually helps Abuela Sheri babysit, he had never babysit by himself. We changed that one! I took my second (and final!) licensing test last Wednesday and Fafa offered to babysit Clara while I took the test. He did a great job and they had a lot of fun. Fafa took Clara to the park and even taught her some soccer skills. The first thing she said when she woke up from her nap was "Fafa?" She was disappointed that he was gone. I passed my test and am very happy to be done with studying!

This past weekend we headed up to the cabin again to celebrate Labor Day. 

We decided to try a longer hike to Jennie Lake since Clarita did so well last weekend. We brought the hiking backpack, but had a major fail leaving Monito in the car. About two miles into the 12 mile hike Clarita became inconsolable. She was tired and screaming for "Momo." She didn't even want her chuponcito. We finally took her out of the backpack and headed back down the mountain with me carrying her. Fafa went ahead to get Monito from the car and we calmed Clara down. She was distracted by walking so she walked for a mile (slowest mile ever!). Clarita had fun playing in the dirt and collecting treasures. Fafa returned a hero with Monito and Clarita was very happy to go back in the backpack. We decided to cut our losses and head on a shorter hike to Weaver Lake. That was the first hike we took Clara on last year so it seemed fitting. She fell right to sleep and woke up much happier! We ate lunch at the lake and Clara did great on the rest of the hike. It was about seven miles total. have since learned that we need to bring Monito everywhere and will try a longer hike in the future with Monito in tow.

Not happy about life

We went to a potluck at Wilsonia Saturday night and Clara had fun playing Bingo. 

Five cards with a baby to watch is really hard!
 She was not so happy at the pancake breakfast Sunday and wanted nothing to do with the pancakes. She was finally happy reading a book on the floor. We went for a walk in the morning while Dada ran 17 miles (que Dada loco!) and Fafa went for a hike. Clara was obsessed with the squirrels and learned a new word, "ardi" for ardilla.

Two clips are better than one!

Sunday afternoon we stopped by to visit the Ikuta/Rodriguezs and play with Connor. Even though Connor was sick he was still ready to play. He was quite the gentleman getting the balls that Clara dropped so she could remain seated! He couldn't resist trying to kiss her even though his mom told him not to since he was sick!

Stealing a kiss

High five!

Clara ate her body weight in fruit during the weekend and even attempted to lift a watermelon that weighed as much as her! It was a very fun weekend and she loved playing with Fafa!

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