Friday, September 5, 2014

Un Dia En La Vida De Clarita

This is from September 1, 2014, Labor Day, when Clarita and I got to spend the whole day home! Nothing short of a miracle!

6:50 Dada gets the little Wiggle up

Who doesn't love uncooked oats?

7:00 They cereal together. Clarita is obsessed with the same cereal Dada eats, Blueberry Morning with Grapenuts and uncooked oats on top. I say gross.

7:25 Clarita is rarely wet when she firsts gets up, but then pees like a race horse. We head upstairs (she insists on walking up the stairs) and do a diaper change.

7:32 Clarita gets in some last minute snuggles with Dada and then plays while I get ready for our run. I let her eat some of my breakfast (aka pizza).

7:55 As I'm putting her in the stroller I get a whiff of poopoo so we do another diaper change.

8:06 We go for a short four mile run. Clara sings, kicks, and plays with her toys.

8:40 We get home and she eats grapes, we close the windows, and get the diapers out of the washer. She obliges me by putting the diapers I throw onto the floor into the basket. By the end she is giving me exasperated sighs. I think she realizes there is no need for me to put the diapers on the floor and that I could save her work by putting them straight into the basket!


9:05 We head outside to hang diapers. The little Wiggle plays in the dirt with her shovel and rake. She also chases the cats yelling and signing "gogogo."

9:27 Clara plays while I do some yard work. She lasts much longer than usual before playing her favorite game, run down the sidewalk away from Mama! She doesn't even glance back to make sure I'm following her. She also picks a semi ripe tomato from the garden and swears it's the best tomato in the world!

10:10 Clarita is covered in dirt, tomato, and more dirt so we take a shower. She plays with Sophie, the soap, and her washcloth. She really enjoys getting her washcloth wet and sucking the water out of it.

10:43 Clara requests pizza and her bib and eats while I get ready. She hates having her hair combed and I usually have to chase her around with the comb. At least she can't escape me in her booster seat!

11:03 Clarita pees on kitchen floor (the best place to pee). I clean it up while she laughs. I figure she probably won't do it again so she has more baby naked time and helps me do laundry. We go upstairs and put a diaper and clothes on. She has fun playing with Baza...he enjoys it a little.

11:35 Clara chooses a million books for us to read.

11:50 I make lunch which is taking all too long for impatient Clarita.

12:00 Dada gets home and occupies the impatient Wiggle. She requests cashews so he chews them up and feeds them to her baby bird style.

12:15 She eats a grilled cheese sandwich, tomatoes, and smoothie.

Spitting out food, a sure sign she's done

12:45 She finally finishes eating and says bye to Dada. Clarita turns into la loquita which means she's tired. We do a diaper change and read.

1:04 I put Clara down for her nap and observe her talking to her animals and kissing them before flipping over and falling right to sleep. I clean up, fold laundry, read, and put myself down for a nap.

4:20 Two hours later (I don't believe in short naps) I wake up and see a wiggly baby on the monitor.

4:28 She's very happy to see me. We do a poopy diaper change and I realize there are no clean diapers. We head downstairs and she finds Dada and hangs out with him sin pants while I get the diapers off the line.

Adios chuponcito!

Explaining to Dada that there is a monkey in her ball

4:38 We decide to go swimming so we put sunscreen and swimsuits on and sing our sunscreen song. 

4:56 We're finally ready and head outside to swim. Clarita "swims" all the way across the length of the pool thanks to her bomb bathing suit (it literally looks like she is wearing a bomb).

5:27 She declares that she is all done so we take a shower outside. She happily plays in the shower until I tell her it is time to wash herself. She then signs all done and is angry when we are not all done.

5:41 We head inside and Clarita requests a banana. She eats half and wants more. She smashes the second half and makes a giant mess. I rinse her off in the sink which she thinks is hilarious. We head upstairs to put on a diaper. She wants chuponcito when we leave her room and cries.

6:06 Still crying, Clara requests apple aka a pouch and is happy again when I oblige her. She eats dinner of quinoa, rice mix, sweet potato, carrots (like ten baby ones), aguacate, and milk.

6:50 Clara finally finishes eating and throws a tantrum because Dada won't let her poke the outlet cover with a pen (what a mean Dada).

6:56 Clara gets dressed so we can go to the park.

7:05 After a million tantrums we get chuponcito and she is happy and we head to the park. She swings and goes down the little slide all by herself.

7:50 We get home and get ready for bed. She plays while I put her clean clothes away. 

8:15 Bedtime stories with Mama and Dada.

8:30 Clara is in bed and immediately falls asleep. We don't hear a peep out of her until 6:45 the next morning when Dada discovers that she threw up carrots all over her bed. That's what we get for letting her eat ten baby carrots...

Pretending to sleep

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