Sunday, September 28, 2014

First Year Fiestas!

Last weekend was another busy weekend. We had two first year fiestas to attend. Carver turned one on September 17 and his party was Saturday, and Eden turned one on September 21 and her party was on Sunday. Clara had a blast at both of them (we did too). It was fun seeing so many little ones at the parties. Two years ago there was just Reedcito and now there are a ton of little guys ranging from three (Reedcito) to newborn!

Carver's party was an ice cream party complete with a ton of ice cream made by a friend of his mom's. It was super delicious in exotic flavors like tea honeycomb and sea salt caramel toffee. Luckily Clarita just happened to have an ice cream dress to wear! She was too distracted by all of the kids to care much about the ice cream and was content to have a few bites. She spent most of the time playing with five-year-old Daylynn. They were so cute together! Daylynn led Clara around by the hand, gave her a party hat to wear, and rocked her in a chair! It was a fun party and Carver was cute as can be!

Blanket full of babies

The glasses were a hit!

Ice cream parties are messy

Clara and Daylynn

Talking to the birthday boy

Eden's party was heaven for Clarita. There was a bubble machine which meant a constant stream of bubbles! She was mesmerized at first and then ran around chasing them all! There was also a little ball pit which the kiddos had a ton of fun playing in! Connor taught Clara how to throw the balls out the top, but she just doesn't have the arm that he has... She also loved jumping in Eden's Jumperoo (apparently you're never too old for that) and playing with all of her toys. And of course eating cupcakes. Clara was intrigued by the fact that the tiny Clarita sized cupcakes had flowers on top. I think she wanted to eat those too! After Eden blew out her candle, Clara grabbed it and licked the frosting off. I wasn't paying attention and she ended up eating a chunk of the candle and cried when I took it away from her. That girl! Eden was a perfect little princess and even wore her crown for the majority of the party!

I'll get you bubbles!


Hi Lyla!

Hunky Henry

mmmm wax

After Eden's party we headed up to Three Rivers to see our friend Phil and his family. Clara was exhausted and fell asleep before we even pulled out! The McClarty's came too and Clara had fun playing with all the kids. Phil and his wife Kelly have two daughters, Maya and Lana, who are four and a half and two, and Kelly's sister was there with her two kids. Add Clarita, Reedcito, and Kierito and it was a super fun kidzone! Highlights for the kids were the kiddie pool and spa, acorn hunts, and the croquet mallets! Highlights for the adults included an amazing dinner and great company! It was a super fun weekend full of friends!

Reedcito sharing acorns with Clarita

That face!

Beer bottles = fun toys

Fast forward 15 years and this will not be ok!

Ice also = fun toy

This will also not be ok in 15 years...

Learning Spanish

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