Thursday, October 9, 2014

Traveling Parents Equals Lots of Fiestas

Last week was quite crazy for Dada and Mama! Clara had a relatively unbusy week but there was only one night that Dada and I were home at the same time (and technically we went to dinner at Tia Laurie's and Tio Chino's so we weren't actually home)! Monday Dada had a work dinner and got home after Clarita went to bed. Tuesday I had to go to Napa for work (I know, rough life) and did not get home until 10:00 PM Wednesday. Thursday we were both home! Friday morning after Clara woke up (he wanted to say good morning before leaving) Dada left for a backpacking trip with Fafa and got back Monday evening. Whenever one of us is gone the other talks about all of the fiestas they will have with Clara. Needless to say, there were a lot of fiestas the last week and of course Clara won't tell what happened! She was super excited to have us both home with her Monday night!

While I was gone in Napa Clarita and Dada had a lot of fun that included taking lots of selfies (obviously, what else would they do?), playing at the park, reading lots of books, and lots of esnugles. And apparently having lots of chuponcito wonder Dada is so fun!

Mama Clarita weekend was a hit as well! We started it off with a trip to Michael's to get some stuff for Tia Laurie's upcoming baby shower. We happened to be purchasing letters to make an alphabet wall and letters happen to be Clarita's new favorite thing! She had a great time telling us the letters she knew and even chewing on a few! We headed to Chipotle for dinner after and Clarita decided that she wanted Tia Laurie's burrito. She also wanted to dance and run around like a loquita!

A fun new toy!

On Saturday Clarita and I met Kate and Sophie at the zoo. It was a super fun day and Clara had so much fun! The monkeys were going crazy yelling up a storm and she thought it was hilarious and imitated them. She also loved holding Sophie's hand and petting all the animals (in the petting zoo) with her. Clara ran from animal to animal giving them each one pat (more if she decided she liked them) and making the appropriate noise. They also fed the giraffes and Clara only hesitated for a second before holding her lettuce up to the giraffe. She thought it was hilarious when the long giraffe tongue ate the lettuce! We had so much fun and the rest of the weekend Clarita talked about Kate and "Feefee." She even pretended to call them on the phone!

Telling me about her poopoo

Baza needs gafas t
Adios animalitos

Sophie is so good with Clara


Sunday we went to church and then hung out, read a million books, and of course went to the park. It was a relaxing weekend for us both and I even managed to read two books (I tend to become obsessed and devote all my free time to reading)! We were ready for Dada to come home Monday and Clarita was so happy to see him that she insisted that he hold her even though he hadn't bathed in 80 hours! That's love!


Trying on her new hat

Two seconds later she fell backwards and hit her head


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