Friday, October 24, 2014

Showering Tia Laurie and Frijolita

The last two weekends were spent showering Tia Laurie and Frijolita! In case I haven't mentioned it, Tia Laurie is pregnant with a little girl (we call her Firjolita since she looked like a tiny bean in the first ultrasounds) and due on Dada's birthday! We're really hoping she makes her debut on her due date since Clarita was born on Tio Chino's birthday and we want two sets of birthday twins! We are super excited to meet Frijolita (aka Bailey) and had so much fun at the showers!

Tia Erika and I threw the first shower and it was the perfect day! Luckily I have a million decorations from past parties and showers so I only had to make some pennants (I glued them since I can't sew to save my life). Tia Erika found a bunch of fun games to play and did a great job making flower arrangements. We decorated letters for Frijolita's room, ate lots of yummy food, and of course played a TON of games (who doesn't love shower games?!)! Dada insisted on taking Clarita to watch the Reedley Fiesta Parade so she missed the first part of the shower. I was very upset about this at first as Clara has attended all of the other baby showers and had to be at Tia's. We compromised and they left the parade early so she could still partake in the fun. It worked out perfectly because they left early so Tia Erika, Abuelita, Stacy and I had plenty of time to set up without trying to occupy Clara too. She was very excited that there was a party going on when she arrived home and she immediately joined in the fun!

Such a good little helper

There were tons of little ones at the shower which was also super fun. We got to meet Tia Laurie's best friend Meghan's tiny daughter Piper. She was due a month and a half before Tia but decided she could not wait and came a month early. I think she just wanted to make sure that she got to attend the baby shower!

Sweet Piper

Kierito and Lyla

Carver is always stylin'!


Dada got a bruise from that suction cup!

Abuelita is a midget!

High school best friends!
This past weekend was Tia Laurie's shower at church. As always Jennifer did a great job of organizing everything complete with cheesecakes since Tia doesn't like cake. Clarita had fun helping to open presents, declaring all of the presents to be hers, and trying to get someone to give her a bite of cheesecake (she failed at this one). We had a great time and just can't wait to welcome Little Miss Bailey into the world!

Clarita helping to write the present list

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