Clara is more and more like a little girl and less like baby every day. She continues to talk up a storm and now speaks in sentences. She has started using pronouns correctly and even uses past tense! She has become obsessed with singing this month and will sing "Happy Birthday", "The Itsy Bitsy Spider", "The Wheels on the Bus" (Tio says toot toot in reference to his farting!), "Twinkle Twinkle Little Star", "Ring Around the Rosy", and her favorite "ABCs". She can get all the way to "J" before her letters get garbled. Her new favorite popular song is "All About The Bass" which she requests to hear all the time. She sings, "all bout the bass no tweble" and it is ridiculously cute! She found her first book to be obsessed with this month and insisted on having it read to her a million times in a row over a week. I was definitely tired of it and was not sad when she moved on!
Cake for breakfast! |
One of the little Puff's favorite things to do is point out the colors of everything. She gets genuinely excited about colors and is able to point to most colors if you ask her in English or Spanish. She will correctly point out things that are green, blue, red, yellow, orange, black, white, and pink. She almost always says pink and black in Spanish and will tell you how to say blue in Spanish if you ask her. She still gets confused between brown and black and tends to say brown things are black. She also loves counting and can count to 10 in English and Spanish (and actually count this amount of things). She often skips seven and gets really excited about eight. In English she can count to 20, but sometimes gets confused around 15.
Such a good helper |
Who doesn't dump weeds in the alley? |
She continues to love people and especially ninos. It is amazing how quickly she learns people's names and remembers them after we leave. Her favorite friend right now is Reedcito and she talks about him and Kierito constantly. We had a "double date" with Reed, Kieran, and Bailey while the Dada's played games and Clara loved it (and I failed to take a single picture)! The next day she talked about everything they did and declared seats at the table to be for the people who had sat in them the night before. We made a Reed-friendly cake and now whenever Clara hears the word cake she says, "Reedcito?" and is sad when we say that he is not coming over! We also had a fun night with the Kauks. Clarita loved playing with Daylyn and Cambria and was so excited to take a bath with Day!
Clarita continues to love Bailey and becomes concerned if Bailey cries. She brings her a pacifier and pats her. Clara has started declaring various things to be her babies (stuffed animals, bubble containers, etc) and rocks them while patting them on the back and saying "shhhh." I assume she watches us do this to Bailey and has decided she should take care of her babies in a similar manner. She also has begun nursing things. One day she said "milk" and I said "where?" to which she replied, "aqui." When I turned around she had her pacifier at her nipple nursing it! I almost died laughing. She now tells us that Bailey and pacifiers drink milk!
Teaching Bailey her mad piano skills |
Practicing her head holding up skills |
Clarita's Stats
Weight: 22.6 pounds
Height: 33 inches
Head Circumference: 18.5 inches
What Clara Wears
18 months clothes and size 5 shoes fit perfectly.
Things Clara Loves
Mama and Dada, going for walks, naked baby time, pacifiers (especially her monito), reading books, people, playing with her toys, animals (especially her cats), eating, playing peek a boo, running, Baby Signing Time DVDs, stuffed animals (especially Momo, Bafa, and Pigo), being swung through the air, swinging, sliding, being outside, water, blowing bubbles with Aba, dancing, shoes, esnugles, baths, letters, coloring, crafts, anything related to music, trains, looking at photos, singing
Things Clara Does Not Love
Being helped with anything or having someone else do something for her that she wants to do herself (brushing her hair, teeth, etc.), being woken up from a nap.
How Clarita Sleeps
She's still taking one two and a half to three hour nap and goes to down between 1:00 and 2:00. At night she has been going down around 8:30 and getting up around 6:30. Clara sleeps in her sleep sack with Momo, Bafa, up to three pinguinos her chuponcito, and now two blankies which often get kicked off in her tossing and turning.
Clarita, Snugglepuff, Snuggles, Wiggle, Baby/Bebe, Munchkin, Birthday Twin, Loquita, Pipsqueak, Wigs, Loqs, Puff
She now says sentences like "I need bloqueador (sunscreen)" and sings all the time. She can sing entire versus of songs but hasn't quite gotten a full song down yet.
Still ten, four top front, four bottom front, one top molar and one bottom molar (I keep thinking the other two molars are going to pop out any day, but they are apparently as stubborn as Clara!).
Monthly Exciting Events
January 9, 2015: First double date with Reed, Kieran, and Bailey!
January 3, 2015: First time sledding
December 21, 2014: Clarita attends her first professional football game
December 20, 2014: Clara has juice for the first time (thanks Tio Robert and Tia Erika)
Monthly Pictures
"Cheese!" |