Monday, January 5, 2015


We had another busy, fun filled Christmas! This year Clara understood what was going on and was pretty excited about opening presents! She also loved all of the Christmas decorations and liked to point them out. We began Christmas by heading to Aba's on Christmas Eve. Dada and I had to work in the morning so we picked Clarita up from Fafa and Abuela Sheri's on our way up. This year my Uncle Karl drove down from Washington to spend Christmas with us so it was extra exciting! Tia Erika's brother, Nano, also spent Christmas with us as the rest of their family went to Mexico.
Can you tell they're related?

Tio Robert and Tia Erika


Dada, Tia Laurie, and I spent the afternoon making Christmas ornaments for his annual family gathering as it was his turn this year and he, of course, waited until the last minute. Aba spent the afternoon cooking up a delightful meal, and everyone else spent the afternoon playing with Clara and Bailey and relaxing. As is our tradition, we had a delicious pasta dinner and then got ready for church. Even though I hate matching babies, I was obsessed with the thought of tiny Bailey and Clarita wearing matching dresses (Tio Robert said that it was allowable because they look so different). I spent forever finding matching dresses and pajamas that came in both 3 months and 18 months (not an easy task). My hard work paid off and they looked adorable complete with matching flowers that Tia Laurie made them! We then headed to Reedley for the Christmas Eve church service. This is one of my favorite services as we sing Christmas carols and end the service singing by candlelight. Clara was very excited about the candles and very disappointed that we would not let her hold her own. She liked singing and was kept occupied playing with her new "quiet book" that Tia Laurie made her (it's pretty amazing!).

Los Parkinson



The Suemotos

After church we piled into the minivan and headed back to Aba's for dessert and present opening. Clarita and Bailey put on their matching pajamas (and looked very cute) and got busy opening presents. Bailey was thoroughly unimpressed with the whole process but Clara loved it! Luckily Tia Erika accidentally labeled some of Bailey's presents for Clara so Clarita got to open even more. We let her play awhile and then it was bed time. The rest of us opened presents while the girls slept. It was absolutely ridiculous the amount of presents there were and we did not finish until after 11:00! We discussed the concept of scaling back for next year and not buying into the consumerism that has engulfed Christmas. I think we are going to get the kids presents and draw names for everyone else since the older we get the less we want. Plus, I really want Clarita to know the true meaning of Christmas and not simply associate it with a million presents.

Matching jammies

Pump it up Tio!

Multi tasking

On Christmas morning Dada and I woke up super early since we heard Tio Robert, Tia Erika, and Nano getting ready to leave for church. We decided to take advantage of the early hour and go for a short run. This was the first time we had gone for a run together (aside from a time or two with the stroller) since before Clarita was born! Aside from the elevation increase and the hills, it was a lovely run! When we returned we said goodbye to los tios, got ready, and ate a wonderful breakfast that Aba prepared. We then opened our stockings and packed everything up and said our goodbyes.


We headed to Fafa and Abuela Sheri's for Christmas part two. We waited for Tia Alyssa, Tio Rene, Tristan, and Teagan to arrive and then got down to business opening presents. Clara had already had lots of practice and wasted no time ripping into them as soon as Abuela Sheri said she could start (I wasn't even in the room yet so she had to stop and wait for me much to her chagrin)! Teegee was a little slower to get into it, but eventually started ripping away. Tristan was an old pro and finished before everyone else!

After present opening we had a delicious lunch and then Clarita went down for a nap while Dada, Abuela Sheri, and I finished the ornaments (nobody can say I can't sew now!). Clara woke up right as we were finishing and was ready to play with Teegee and Tristan. They had a lot of fun playing with all the presents, especially Tristan's fart noise maker (the most annoying toy ever). We ate some more food, watched Christmas Vacation, and then it was time to pack up and head out. Clarita was exhausted from staying up late and all of the fun of Christmas. We opened our stockings when we got home and Clarita insisted on eating all of her gummy bunnies right away! We had a wonderful Christmas and are so very grateful that we have such wonderful families to spend it with!

Fart machine!

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