Tuesday, December 30, 2014

A Train, a Zoo, and a Lane

Last Friday night we headed to a local Christmas tree farm (that doubles as a pumpkin patch in the fall) for pajama night. They have a little steam train and the night involved unlimited rides on the train. Clarita loves trains and was in heaven. We dressed in our pjs and met Tia Alyssa, Tio Ney, Tristan, and Teegee there. Clara did not have any shoes big enough to go over her pjs so we carried her most of the night.

We went on the train four times and Clarita whined each time we had to get off and said, "tren tren, more." She had fun listening to the Christmas music and playing with Tristan and Teegee. She also ate a cookie (since Tia Laurie had already fed her one earlier in the day) and tasted hot chocolate. It was a very fun night and I think Clara is even more obsessed with trains now!

On Saturday we hit the zoo for zoo lights. Dada, Fafa, and I had gone snowboarding during the day and Clara spent it with Tio Robert and Tia Erika. Tia Laurie, Tio Chino, and Bailey picked us up and we picked Clara up on the way. She was very excited that she got to ride in Tia's car and sit next to Bailey and watch Dada who was in the back seat.

The zoo was decorated in tons of lights and Clarita loved it. She loves lights and says, "luces" and the colors/desings she sees. If she sees a lit up cross she says "Amen!" Bailey slept the entire time at the zoo but Clara ran around exclaiming over the lights and requesting to "see amals." She surprised us all by correctly leading the way to the elephants. Apparently her memory is better than we thought! She really loved the reptile house and hissed at all the snakes. She was super enthralled with the aquariums and spent a long time looking at the fish.

Tuesday los Tios picked us up in the mini van and we headed to Christmas Tree Lane. We started with dinner at Chiptole and after changing diapers we headed out. Clara was very excited and exclaimed over the luces and Santa Clauses, pinguinos, and snowmen. Bailey slept dreaming of the fun she will have next year! Although it wasn't too cold, Clara managed to pour her entire water bottle on her on the way to dinner. Since she was soaking wet I put her in her pajamas which weren't super warm. By the end of the walk her little hands were freezing, but she didn't seem to mind.


Winner of Christmas Light Fight

Clara fell asleep on the way home and we decided to stop at the McClarty's to see some friends who were in town for Christmas. Clara woke up and since Reedcito was not actually sleeping, he got up and the two had fun playing together. Despite both being overdue for sleep, they played together very well and the only crying ensued when Reedcito had to go to bed and Clara overhead Sarah say that she was going to leave soon and go to sleep. My favorite part of the night was Clara's and Reed's dance party and Reedcito's rendition of yoga which included "downward frog!" We didn't get home until after 11:00, but Clarita was a trooper. I think she was practicing for New Year's Eve!


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